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Edit initrd.gz with right-click-action

Posted: Thu 13 Sep 2012, 02:29
by RSH

This is based on my created at October 2011. I have made this one now a right-click-application.

To edit the initrd.gz just do a right-click on the file and choose Initrd.gz edit.

What does this do?

- makes a backup of the selected initrd.gz named initrd-bak.gz
- copies initrd.gz to /root
- makes directory /root/Init_rd_tmp
- extracts the initrd.gz to /root/Init_rd_tmp
- needed files to edit are automatically opened either in geany or nicoedit (leafpad)
- removes /root/initrd.gz

After editing the initrd.gz do a right-click on /root/Init_rd_tmp and choose Initrd.gz re-build.

Directories are automatically opened.

That's all

Have fun with it.


Note1: The Program does its job only if the file is initrd.gz or if the directory is /root/Init_rd_tmp. Otherwise it does nothing.

Note2: The DevX is not longer needed to Edit and Rebuild the initrd.gz file - it works now the same way as in the remasterpup2 script! - 2013-01-15

Posted: Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:07
by RSH
Version 0.3 uploaded!

The DevX is not longer needed to Edit and Rebuild the initrd.gz file
- 2013-01-15 8)

New Version is at first post.


Posted: Thu 11 Jul 2013, 19:51
by greengeek
Hi RSH - is this only for Lazy pup?

Posted: Thu 11 Jul 2013, 20:20
by R-S-H
Hi greengeek.

Usually the programs that I've published on the forum are made and built in into LazY Puppy - but they are published for any other puppy (some of these applications might not work on FatDog, because it's really different). Applications especially for LazY Puppy are posted in the LazY Puppy thread or at, in the Updates directory for LazY Puppy.

This should work for as well as it (still!) does for me.



In newer puppies you need to copy a symbolic link, which is in /root/.config/
This is needed because newer puppies do have its own directory for the initrd.gz file, which is: /root/.config/

This is to open or to rebuild(?) the initrd.gz by right-click-action.

Posted: Thu 11 Jul 2013, 20:52
by ASRI éducation
R-S-H wrote:In newer puppies you need to copy a symbolic link, which is in /root/.config/
This is needed because newer puppies do have its own directory for the initrd.gz file, which is: /root/.config/

This is to rebuild the initrd.gz by right-click-action.
I did not know, thank you for the info.

I must soon take the time to test your script (it seems very practical).

Posted: Thu 11 Jul 2013, 21:22
by R-S-H
ASRI éducation wrote:
R-S-H wrote:In newer puppies you need to copy a symbolic link, which is in /root/.config/
This is needed because newer puppies do have its own directory for the initrd.gz file, which is: /root/.config/

This is to rebuild the initrd.gz by right-click-action.
I did not know, thank you for the info.

I must soon take the time to test your script (it seems very practical).
Yes! It is practical. Believe me, I know this! :lol:

The information about the new directory /root/.config/ I found while working on a LazY Puppy based on Precise 5.6 (which is available in the German forum - German version only; it could be turned to English user interface but there will stay some German Menu or GUI parts).

In older Puppies it should work out of the box.


Posted: Sat 13 Jul 2013, 06:38
by greengeek
Hi RSH, I have installed the pet, but do not see any option in the rightclick menu. I am running precise

I can see the symlink /root/.config/ that you have mentioned. Perhaps I misunderstood your post - do I need to copy this symlink somewhere else?

EDIT : OK i got it - I had to use the "customize" entry and drag the "edit_initrd_gz" from /usr/local/apps into /root/.config/

EDIT2 : It seems that Precise needs your pet, but Precise 5.6.1 has it's own inbuilt initrd.gz editor which appears when you rightclick.