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Windows at Work, Puppy at Home ... something like robocopy

Posted: Mon 01 Oct 2012, 18:00
by Clif McIrvin
New to this forum and to Puppy / Linux

Have done some searching / browsing here; mostly just get lost and confused.

On Windows XP, now Win 7, I got used to using robocopy; also fairly proficient at writing DOS .bat scripts.

I want to use a thumb drive to keep folders with subfolders "synchronized" between the office (Win 7) and home (frugal install running on an old Windows box; can still boot Windows)

Robocopy knows how to recognize files having different timestamps because of how Windows treats the USA daylight Savings Time change but otherwise identical as identical files.

Can someone give me some pointers where to look for how to do that running under Puppy? (The files at home are still on the Win XP NTFS partition)

Lucid Puppy 5.2.8

Posted: Mon 01 Oct 2012, 18:35
by 8-bit
Either do it from a boot to windows or from windows running in puppy in virtualbox.
As to being able to do it with say wine in puppy by mounting the NTFS windows partition and then running robocopy with that mounted windows partition as target, might work.
I would make a backup of the windows partition just in case of a failure.

Posted: Tue 02 Oct 2012, 10:46
by aragon
rsync might be what you're looking for. Most likely rsync is allready installed in your puppy-version. you'll find lots of how-tos with google.


Looking into rsync... or unison

Posted: Sat 06 Oct 2012, 17:44
by Clif McIrvin
Thanks aragon and 8-bit!

I'm working on getting my head around the rsync man page ... there's a lot there for a windoze refugee :)

Still need to look up those how-tos...

I am looking at unison; a google search shows me discussions here, so it feels like I may be on the right track.


Posted: Sat 06 Oct 2012, 23:27
by sfeeley
I gave up on using thumb drives for this and switched to dropbox (syncs two computers via the web plus online access to your material). works fine on windows and puppy (I'm often bouncing between 3 different computers sometimes on at the same time, and have had no problems)

above is my referral link (which gives you and me a bit of extra free space). Or if referrals aren't for you, you can google dropbox and go from there.

sorry for sounding like a sales pitch

Posted: Sat 06 Oct 2012, 23:49
by Clif McIrvin
sfeeley- I've thought about using dropbox ... so far I'm holding back because of how often I'm working w/o an internet connection, so the usb stick still seems attractive. Because I'm only using the web interface, doesn't look like the referral will help you any :(