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How to delete all Windows .exe files?

Posted: Sat 06 Oct 2012, 14:19
by game sfs
Hi ...
Slacko 5.3.3 USB
i wanna del all exe , com , sys , dll files from my hard disk
Ty ... :D

Posted: Sat 06 Oct 2012, 15:17
by starhawk
So you want to make Windows completely gone, or just unusable?


EXE: DOS/Windows Executable (binary)
COM: DOS Executable (binary) from the old days
SYS: DOS/Windows System File (usually not an executable binary)
DLL: Windows Dynamic Link Library, IIRC it's similar to a Linux *.so lib(rary) but I could be wrong.

By deleting those files and not just wiping the partition, you will make Windows unusable but it will still be sort of present. It will still try to load, just that it will fail miserably and make a mess all over the rug instead of working.

Much better to wipe Windows away completely with gparted. Copy over your user data first if you want to keep it!

EDIT: dunno where your from, but around me (Southeast USA) three "K"s in a row does not mean a very nice thing. I'm not offended (I'm not sensitive enough :P ) but someone else might be. Just edit the subtitle back to one "k" and you'll be fine. All you do is edit your post and change the subtitle, when you hit "Submit" it will be fixed.

Posted: Sat 06 Oct 2012, 15:26
by game sfs
I have found the virus in the files :twisted:
exe , com , dll , ...
i dont need all software in my hard disk :evil:
but i just need images and videos :D
ty ...

Posted: Sat 06 Oct 2012, 15:35
by starhawk
Run a virus scanner LiveCD, such as Hirens BootCD. (You need to do this because viruses can hide in regular files such as images and videos.)

Then copy what you want to keep to your USB drive or to another hard drive.

Then use gparted (in puppy) to wipe clean the Windows drive.

Just curious: where are you from?

Posted: Sat 06 Oct 2012, 16:21
by SFR
Topic solution:
Doing such a thing, first I would use this, just to ensure if the found files are exactly these files you're looking for:

Code: Select all

find /path/to/Windoze -type f \( -iname \*.exe -o -iname \*.com -o -iname \*.sys -o -iname \*.dll \) -print0 | xargs -0 ls
If it'll be look ok, just replace the last ls command with rm and run the line again - all files will vanish...
EDIT: and don't use /path/to/your_usb_stick_where_puppy_is by accident, because this could delete, for instance, ldlinux.sys, which is necessary to boot up Puppy.

Real solution:
Honestly - the much better idea is what Starhawk suggests.
Just copy what you need and format that tainted partition...


Posted: Wed 10 Oct 2012, 10:00
by BDX

Try this Avast! for Puppy, i have use it in Lucid and i detect more than 80 virus in another PC, read the topic here.
Maybe it can make a clean door for your Windows :D

Note:You have to update the antivirus, it's about 65mb!!. Huge but worth it.
Can't update? Download manually to your ~/.avast folder.