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How to move the Sunbird calendar on my desktop?

Posted: Tue 09 Oct 2012, 14:59
by jakobcornelis
I have the Sunbird calender in my Startup file (/root/Startup/sunbird). It appears on my desktop whenever I boot, in the left top quarter. I want it in the right bottom corner. How do I anchor it there so that it appears there on boot-up, without me having to move it there manually each time?

Jake, Wary Puppy 5141
HP Compaq
DC7100 SFF

Posted: Wed 10 Oct 2012, 13:54
by Semme
Hi Jake- looong time!

Position the calender to your liking then open a terminal leaving the calender uncovered and type: xwininfo

Move the cursor on top and left-clk, you'll get a geometry reading down below.

Take the info and place it in your /root/.Xdefaults file.. like: sunbird=geometry 710x550-23-44

Refire X. This works aboard Lucid..

Posted: Wed 10 Oct 2012, 14:20
by jakobcornelis
Thanks, Semme. Didn't work the first time, but I'll play with it some more when I get a chance.


Posted: Wed 10 Oct 2012, 20:55
by Semme
I'm not sure whether there's a bearing but- you're running *which* window manager?

If Openbox, it's possible screen position happens elsewhere.

With time (later)- I'll need to boot in and take a look..

Let's see what's inside your Xdefaults then. Attach a copy or post the contents..

Posted: Thu 11 Oct 2012, 00:38
by jakobcornelis
I am running X, I think. Here's what's in the Xdefaults file:

Code: Select all

! but urxvt in quirky etc needs these...
!Rxvt.keysym.Home: \033[1~
!Rxvt.keysym.End: \033[4~
! broomdodger reports this works in both 431 and quirky (rxvt and urxvt)...
Rxvt.keysym.0xFF50: \033[1~
Rxvt.keysym.0xFF57: \033[4~ 

!Rxvt*menu: /root/
Rxvt*saveLines: 1000


! fonts
! run "fc-list" for a list of available fonts
urxvt.font: xft:Nimbus Mono L:style=Regular:pixelsize=18

urxvt.scrollBar: True
urxvt.scrollTtyOutput: False
urxvt.scrollTtyKeypress: True
urxvt.secondaryScroll: True
urxvt.saveLines: 1000

I haven't figured out how to code the reference to sunbird, with its "geometry".


Posted: Sat 13 Oct 2012, 13:01
by Semme
Jake, I've been away'n busy. Wary runs JWM by default. This being said, I haven't yet found a solution..

Posted: Sun 18 Nov 2012, 14:38
by jakobcornelis
I am still messing around with this. Semme's suggested line:
sunbird=geometry 710x550-23-44
in .xwindefault doesn't seem to cut it. I also tried

Code: Select all

, but that doesn't do anything either. I wonder if this has to be coded in a different way, but I can't find any suggestions in this forum.
