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Programs that use the Terminal? Solved

Posted: Thu 11 Oct 2012, 15:34
by oldyeller

I am looking for programs that use/run in the terminal. I have wordgrinder which is a nice word-processor. In need of finding more apps.

Would like to add them to the next Manna OS that will be coming out.

I am also using Sakrua Terminal which is very nice as well. Might replace Urxvt with this.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Maybe we can continue with this add links and a list to help people who are not use of the CLI interface so they would be able to be more comfortable on using it for simple commands and programs.

And later be able to do more like compiling which I am starting to do :D :D . Also programing too.

There is a lot of resources on the forum for the newbie to get started with and help for those who are not new, But never was comfortable with the CLI.

Here is a link to a thread that aragon did for cli commands


Posted: Thu 11 Oct 2012, 15:39
by 666philb

Posted: Thu 11 Oct 2012, 15:49
by musher0
Hello, old yeller.

A few years ago aragon issued a minimalist Puppy (based on v. 4.12, I think), that used mostly CLI apps. Maybe you can trace that. Or ask aragon himself through IM.

Also, about the same period, a distro called INX was published based on Ubuntu. Now, that one was based on the cli wm called Screen, and had nothing but cli programs. You could check the list of programs it offered, it might give you some ideas.

You may also want to peruse this: ... 0/offset/0

or this:

Break a leg! :)

Posted: Thu 11 Oct 2012, 16:18
by stu91
Not used it for a while but Tmux is pretty cool - dvtm is also nice for a simple split pane terminal aswell.

Tmux action shot :D ... 874#558874

Posted: Thu 11 Oct 2012, 19:59
by oldyeller

Will have a look at these and see if I can use any.


I think that I will IM aragon.


Will take a look at these two as well.

Posted: Thu 11 Oct 2012, 21:08
by starhawk
If you're interested, I have a copy of Puppy OneBone, which IIRC is a CLI puplet. The version I have is marked 2.01, which is rather antique ;) found it on a long-gone thread about older Puppies; I seem to recall that particular thread being around about a year or so ago, maybe longer.

FWIW, the specific ISO name is puppy-onebone-2.01-elinks.iso, and it's 27.9MB in size. Tiny little bugger!

If you want it I can put it up somewhere for download.

Posted: Thu 11 Oct 2012, 21:32
by oldyeller
starhawk wrote:If you're interested, I have a copy of Puppy OneBone, which IIRC is a CLI puplet. The version I have is marked 2.01, which is rather antique ;) found it on a long-gone thread about older Puppies; I seem to recall that particular thread being around about a year or so ago, maybe longer.

FWIW, the specific ISO name is puppy-onebone-2.01-elinks.iso, and it's 27.9MB in size. Tiny little bugger!

If you want it I can put it up somewhere for download.
That would be cool if you can.

Yes puppy does rock :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri 12 Oct 2012, 17:36
by Keef
It be here: ... /onebones/

Posted: Fri 12 Oct 2012, 19:41
by oldyeller
Keef wrote:It be here: ... /onebones/
Thanks will download and have a look see
