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How to use MicroSD card? (Solved)

Posted: Tue 16 Oct 2012, 21:52
by squareballer
After a few failed attempts to burn a Puppy image to my MicroSD card using various tools on Windows 7, I remembered that I can do this from a Puppy live CD. So I format the MicroSD card, boot up a Puppy live CD, and I attempt to use both the Puppy Universal Installer and the Puppy to USB tool (I forget exactly what it's called).

Unfortunately, neither program can detect my MicroSD card :( I tried all the options including USB and such but it keeps saying there's no device present. My MicroSD card is in the USB card reader it came with. It seems that Puppy can't see it at all, as it sees the CD drive and my hard drive but nothing else. What could cause this? Am I missing a driver or something?

Thanks for helping.

Posted: Wed 17 Oct 2012, 01:13
by Flash
You say you formatted the micro SD card. Did you actually put a filesystem on it? Linux only sees filesystems, not empty devices.

To format it with a filesystem in Puppy, use System -> Gparted partition manager. Format it ext2 or 3 if you intend to install Puppy on it. You can even partition it with Gparted, then format one partition ext2, for Puppy, and the other partition NTFS or FAT32 so it can be used by both Puppy and Windows. However, if you do that it might complicate getting Puppy to boot from the micro SD card.

Fixed it

Posted: Wed 17 Oct 2012, 04:27
by squareballer
I got it working; it was the USB port. Apparently, only one of my USB ports works when I am in Linux. Thanks for the filesystem info, I changed it from FAT32 to Ext2 before I ran the installer and now it works fine.

Posted: Wed 17 Oct 2012, 08:19
by greengeek
What hardware are you running on? How many usb ports does it have? Also, if you have time, is there any chance of testing the non-functional port by adding a usb hub of some sort between the bad port and the SD adapter? I'm interested to know if that makes any difference at all.