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Brainwave puppy repo will be changing owners

Posted: Sat 27 Oct 2012, 17:17
by Saturn
Hi all,

I have alot to say, So I am going to put this into 3 sections or so..

Please bear with me and stay patient!
Thank you!

One: Change of Ownership:

I no longer have the time[as always it seems :-( ]
nor the will to do this repo thing anymore...
I have been Trying to get it off the ground since my initial post of the first repo, Brainwave which was hosted on bluehost/hostmonster

Most of the work there was from "BIG-mike" and wolf-pup
I Just paid the bill

But I did do a special "anniversary" version one time, after it's first year in service , that was done all by me on the concrete5 cms framework

But otherwise, no... I simply do not have the skills to make it work, even with help
I say this because for the year or two I paid for the vps, with my money, according to usage statistics it was barely used, only 3-5 people on some days, with a majority of the rest no usage AT ALL...

I would assume that's because it did not have such a wide reach, solely because it was not advertised or pimped like crazy on the puppy linux IRC channel... or this forum/other places also it did not even have as nearly many software packages or image files for people to grab...

And this is quite understandable , no want would want to use your service, if it does not offer what they need , a person would usually need a "compelling" reason to do something, or they will find something/somewhere else to accomplish that goal or in other cases find other, better things to do with their time.

Just to be clear, this was absolutely NO ONE'S FAULT, nor mine AT ALL

I had my 15 mins of fame ( maybe one week) as being the number one rank for a puppy linux repo, according to google... but the fame was not really mine, it belonged more to the contributors...

Two Ringing of ceremonial bell and explanation of changes to the BW repo:

So without a further a-do,..
I officially and ceremonially hand over the keys of owner ship to samedog,
who will be using the VPS space for his own spin of puppy (puplet), Frankenpup!

I am very good friends with samedog for awhile now, maybe since I first joined the puppy community here in 2008, I think I first used the 2.14 version of puppy back then... and this was his birthday present from me to him

Also no domain names will be used, as I moved to the host sickgut suggested in another thread, similar to this topic so the address is quite different.
THANKS Sickgut!

The address for the new vps, is:

He(samedog) mentioned that he will be maintaining a puppy linux repo alongside his Frankenpup site.
It will be similar to mine so, nothing has been lost

As for what Frankenpup is,
If you have not been following his post's (he hardly ever post's here either, like me) it's yet another slackware compatible spin of puppy, with the differing feature of being based on slackware-current, the "Testing" or "Unstable version of slackware, so you'll get all the latest and greatest "up-stream" stuff... for those who aren't familiar with software development, "upstream" means stuff that's freshly off the presses and is where all software is originated from, usually this branch is untested, but still stable in some cases.

Three: Explanation/Summary of my commitment to the puppylinux community:

I will still maintain the Invision community forum, Located Here:

Hopefully, over time, I can achieve the goal of this being an aggregate of sorts to central at least "some" of the informational content the community has to offer.. a guy at smokey01's site also took up this staggering task as well, but it seems that something happened to him?

I currently have no time for this either, since the beginning of May of this year, but at least I got the task started at least, "marginally"... it's better than nothing I would suppose...

And lastly... I have been going through some rather stressful and agonizing events in my life recently, so I feel kinda of jaded and burned out ATM, and it is coming to light that hardly anyone has interest in the work I do for the community, but then again this just might be the jadded-ness/agony and cynicism speaking and not the "Actual" community... people, especially me can get quite crabby when things are not going good for an extended period of time!

If you like and enjoy the work I do for you all, which I know is not much, Please comment below!


I love you all, and thanks for all the time in the Doghouse!
My Pentium 3 is still useful and quite fast, thanks to puppy!
I am very Grateful to have all of you as Friends!

Signing off, for now...
Will post again if anything further arises,
Again , Thanks!

Re: Brainwave puppy repo will be changing owners

Posted: Sat 27 Oct 2012, 23:47
by MinHundHettePerro
Saturn wrote:If you like and enjoy the work I do for you all, which I know is not much, Please comment below!

Thanks, ...
Thanks, Saturn :).
I really appreciated your hosting service. Especially while 01micko and Iguleder were hosted at BW I was a frequent visitor.

Cheers for all that you did :).

Posted: Sun 28 Oct 2012, 05:07
by Dewbie
Saturn wrote:
and it is coming to light that hardly anyone has interest in the work I do for the community
When Caneri's .pet packages were lost (at, it was you who stepped in and hosted them.
I will always appreciate that. :)
I really missed your BW site just a week or so ago, while searching for one of Wolf Pup's pets that I had deleted.

I recall an announcement a while back that you were shutting it down, and others were going to step in and host the .pet packages on different websites. Did that ever happen?

Anyway, manners seem to have taken a dive, even around here.
Hopefully, over time, I can achieve the goal of this being an aggregate of sorts to central at least "some" of the informational content the community has to offer...a guy at smokey01's site also took up this staggering task as well, but it seems that something happened to him?

Bruce B is still around.

Oh, and welcome back. :)

Posted: Sun 28 Oct 2012, 06:45
by smokey01
Saturn, it's tough maintaining constant momentum. There are times when I also become disillusioned but usually a couple of days rest normally rekindles the interest.

I have been a little frustrated lately when I've noticed quite a few people not displaying the gratitude or respect that many around here deserve.

I'm sure in the majority of cases people don't mean to be unkind it's just the frustration that wins occasionally.

Cheer up mate, we all need a little break every now and again.

Best regards Smokey01.

For dewbie

Posted: Sun 28 Oct 2012, 12:53
by Saturn

The wolf, micko01 and iggy directories are gone because where the Most Popular contributor files of BIG_Mike took up some 35 GB a majority of what our Friendly BW sponsor wanted to offer me in terms of "Relief" storage
The saved pets and image files are @ ... wave/mike/

But BIG-mike no longer maintains them, because ,
1: they are a new location and
2: Mike and me had a little spat, well really an argument about how to go about maintaining the repo, specifically his folder...

I shall not go into the details, so please do not ask!

I really had no other people offering their storage or donations to save the whole repo, but I did get a 25 dollar donation from one of the forum's member to jumpstart buying a new VPS, to start over again.. this covered two months of service and a domain, but this is when they were affordable from that place

I gave up the repo, simply because hardly no one but a handful of people were using it , and I really did not have the time on my hands to advertise it as wildly or as with much enthusiastic vigor that BIG_mike did on the various venues he solicited , various forums , including this one, the offical chatroom and nameless others that would take too long to list here

Also, There seems to be a steady amount of registrations happening each day at my forums, about 3 daily or so but no one is bothering to post anything...
I have been wondering if that's because the type of information I have aggregated there is simply not interesting or motivational enough to say something

I have also wondered if it was the forum's permissions that have caused it, checked it all seemed to be in running order, but at the risk for a high level of spam, I changed it to where any one can post, without registering

Oh well, that seems to wrap it up a little...

Thanks all for the wonderful words of encouragement and support!

Especially with special thanks to dewbie and smokey01

Posted: Sun 28 Oct 2012, 12:57
by russoodle
Hello Saturn,

I know you put a lot of time and effort into BW to help the Puppy community. Your directory, with Big Mike's sizeable contribution, has had regular hits on my server and i'm sure there's much more appreciation in the kennels than is actually expressed, whether it's for you, Smokey01, or whoever, so try not to let those negative feelings get you down.

Stressful and unpleasant events in our lives often do seem to cause other things to take on a more significant magnitude too, adding to the pressure and we all have our limits of tolerance.

Thank you for letting us know what's what and i hope we see you here again. Meantime, take care of yourself.

Best wishes..

Posted: Sun 28 Oct 2012, 19:50
by sickgut
Hi Saturn

im glad your getting everything sorted out.
Having attempted to host a Puppy repository myself, i understand the trials and frustrations of everything.

Im postng to share something with you and everyone else that i have noticed twice now in my life that may be useful to consider. Instead of just saying what it is i will simply list the experiences because they explain themselves:

1.) After running a home computer mail order business, we decided to rent a warehouse/ shop in the city. Everything was perfect, and it couldnt fail. However, we didnt sell anything for 6 months. The rent and loss of sales almost broke us. However, after 6 months customers trickled in and after a year we where booming. We did all the advertising etc but it still took 6 months to get the business off the ground.

2,) My own website hosts my Pussy Linux and when it was first released, 10 or more people a day where downloading it and then after a few weeks it dropped to 3 - 5 downloads a day. And that was fine. I got burnt out and took 9 months off of the Pussy Linux stuff and during my break i didnt bother checking the downloads of Pussy. Its 9 months later and altho the OS is exactly the same with no modifications the logs show that the downloads for Pussy Linux where increasing steadily over time and now Pussy is being downloaded 10 - 15 times a day.

I think it all just takes time. "Build it and they will come", but often people travel very slowly and it takes along time for them to get there. I figure it takes 6 - 9 months for a site to get well known, so dont be disheartened if your site doesnt get many visitors initially dont worry and be patient because it just takes time for people to make a habit of visiting your site. Unfortunately, every time you change your web address it takes just as long for people to visit it regularly and the word of mouth and online chatter has to start all over again as people get to know your new domain name etc etc its like starting all over again every time you move but just wait for a little and im sure your sight will boom

update on forums

Posted: Mon 29 Oct 2012, 07:25
by Saturn
According to the Live Traffic status page, on IPB, my forum, I see people in the process of posting to some threads, yet they leave and post nothing...

I find this perplexing and quite curious

I am not upset all, just intrigued

since I opened up the Forum to guests, some are spam of course....
In the case of spam, are they,
Trolls or people paid to Troll?

I am new to Forum moderation and do not know these things....
But IPB makes it quite easy and intuitive !

Any one know?


Face book login for my forums

Posted: Mon 29 Oct 2012, 08:43
by Saturn
I am trying to make it easier for people to login to my forums, by offering to login via facebook, which nearly everyone uses instead of having to register solely with my forum directly

but by doing this, I have to register as a "developer" for facebook, and follow these steps: ... ation-r662

and this requires a cell phone which I do not have... when I try alternatively to enter my home phone, the only phone I have,..
facebook returns a "500-Internal server error" ....

So can somebody be so kind and lend a hand with this?


Posted: Tue 06 Nov 2012, 01:32
by Dewbie
smokey01 wrote:
I have been a little frustrated lately when I've noticed quite a few people not displaying the gratitude or respect that many around here deserve.

Indeed, smokey01 also deserves a big thanks! :)
His repository might be the largest behind Ibiblio and its mirrors.

Repo Reverting backt o my ownership

Posted: Wed 12 Dec 2012, 11:41
by Saturn
Hi All!!,

Me and Samedog a former puppy linux contributor had a dispute recently over what he could and could not host on the VPS I have gave him


I am Repossessing It, of course I was never too stupid to put the account details in his name :-P

No Idea of what I am going to do with it, since it does not expire till next year