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TransferMe 1.0.2 beta (needs QT4 >= 4.8)

Posted: Sat 03 Nov 2012, 14:56
by vovchik
Dear puppians,

Here is a pet for TransferMe (v.1.0.2 beta) that I compiled in Lucid using AT 4.8 (if you don't have it, pemassu has it in his repositories). It allows for filing sharing/sending across networks. It is a bit like kontrolpack, but my pet is not standalone. It is also tiny in comparison. I upx'd the binary just to make the package smaller.

With kind regards,

Posted: Sun 04 Nov 2012, 16:40
by backi
Hi vovchik !
I did not find it a fair way you treated me regarding my posting (topic teamviewer ).
and the way you cut off while trying to justify my posting .
I did not come to Puppyland looking for trouble...... only for solutions .
Nevertheless .....have a nice day .

Posted: Sun 04 Nov 2012, 16:58
by backi
Hi vovchiK !

Please be so kind look at the posting here
I try here again to justify my posting regarding this Teamviewer thing .
It was not my intention to make advertising to a commercial Product .
i was just looking for tools ,apps sharing files remote way to get remote acces to other computers things like this ...
this programm seemed to me a simple answer to multiple questions .
As far as i understand this programm seems free for personal use ( maybe like virtual box Sun )
Please let me know if there are any risks,drawbacks or problems could be caused using this app,
If there are good advice for tools apps pogramms ( I like it simple )(the open source way ) let me know too .
Thanks in advance .

Posted: Sun 04 Nov 2012, 18:02
by vovchik
Sorry backi,

I didn't mean to be rude, but I am always wary of ANY UNTESTED commercial product that opens up your machine, particularly if you are running as root. Moreover, the portable app is 18MB, and, with distros that are about 90MB, which is enormous compared to the rest of the OS. Most of us try for tiny and elegant solutions because bloatware is against Puppy's fundamental philosophy. Sorry if I seemed rude, but I still worry about any untested network software that is a "black box" in Unix terms. We all like seeing the source and knowing what it does. And we all hated M$'s tendency to "report home". We do not know what it does, so I would be extremely cautious before posting it for download.

With kind regards,

Posted: Sun 04 Nov 2012, 18:28
by RSH
And we all hated M$'s tendency to "report home". We do not know what it does, so I would be extremely cautious before posting it for download.
Its not only M$'s tendency to "report home" but each and everyone hits M$. And then, the right next moment they run to the next shop to buy the newest iPhone or any other smart phone whenever it's available and getting wet (not only in the eyes) in front of that. Knowing they all do "report home" - and track you.

It's the same old story with the same old set of words. :roll: :roll: :roll:

People are so dumb...

...sorry to say this, but it's the truth.

Posted: Sun 04 Nov 2012, 19:53
by backi
Hi vovchic ! Hi RSH !
Your quite right with your opinion on that topic security,unknown software , maybe how someone could get control or spying or abusing your computer via backdoors ,viruses and god knows what .
I am just a ( Linux ) beginner .
This All in One Programm looks quite attractive to me on first sight . It does a lot of things that are usefull to me . I did not inspect all the features that are build in .
I did test it in my test enviroment not in my working Os . Using DpupExprimo on a USBstick with a " no save at shutdown " option .This stick is just for testing . Thats how i test and play,experimenting with new or unknown programms .
When something completely goes wrong i throw out my corrupted savefile and replace it with the backuped savefile to start from ground . So there will be ( i hope so ) not much damage .
O.K. but nevertheless ... i am quite curious if someone else have some opinion or experience or maybe warnings regarding the use of this TEAMVIEWER programm .
Your statement " Most of us try for tiny and elegant solutions because bloatware is against Puppy's fundamental philosophy .I still worry about any untested network software that is a "black box" in Unix terms " i do fully agree . I tried complete in vaine to get remote control from my Desktop pc to my notebook . Vice versa forth and back . But this program does it with a few clicks .To handle it is very simple . Maybe to nice to be true .

Posted: Sun 04 Nov 2012, 20:03
by backi
Hi RSH !
Excuse me .....but i am not quite sure what you wanted to say with your comment ..

Should i better avoid using this App .?

Nevertheless regarding Microsoft ....... go ....let`s fight the cabal ..... by getting better .

Posted: Mon 05 Nov 2012, 11:13
by RSH
backi wrote:Hi RSH !
Excuse me .....but i am not quite sure what you wanted to say with your comment ..

Should i better avoid using this App .?

Nevertheless regarding Microsoft ....... go ....let`s fight the cabal ..... by getting better .
---> English translation below <---

Hallo backi.

Ich kann Dir nicht sagen, ob Du TeamViewer verwenden sollst oder ob nicht. Ich kenne das Programm nicht und dachte nur, es könnte nützlich sein, einen Link zur portablen Linux Variante zu posten ---> nachdem vovchik so barsch reagierte. Zitat hier.

Was ich mit meinem Kommentar (zwei posts weiter oben) sagen wollte, ist:: die Leute sehen immer alles nur aus ihrem jeweilig aktuellen Blickwinkel - und so etwas ist einfach nur dämlich

- als Autofahrer sich über Fußgänger aufregen und als Fußgänger im umgekehrten Fall über die Autofahrer :lol:

- über Datenschutz bzw. Spionage aufregen und doch bei jedem Furz, den es in irgend einem Preisausschreiben zu gewinnen gibt, die eigenen Daten preiszugeben :lol: :lol:

- Microsoft verteufeln wegen der "report home" Funktionen aber ein feuchtes Höschen bekommen und nachts im kalten draußen campieren, wenn das neue iPodPadMacPhone auf dem Markt erscheint :lol: :lol: :lol:

- TeamViewer als kommerzielles, teures Produkt anprangern, aber Wine haben wollen, um eben solche Produkte in Linux verwenden zu können :roll: :lol: ... 967#657967 ... 534#659534 ... 298#661298

- TemViewer Portable als zu groß (18mb) verteufeln im Vergleich zu Puppy Linux (ca. 90mb) Zitat hier, aber für ein 140kb großes Kindermalprogramm :lol: :lol: :lol: geposted hier, ein 25mb bzw. 34mb großes qt-4.8 installieren wollen :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Du verstehst nun, was ich meine? Die Leute sind dämlich! Ich will wirklich niemanden persönlich verletzen, ich meine das generell.

Tried to translate this to English. Did reply in German because he's a German user as well.

Hello backi.

I can not tell you if you should use TeamViewer or should not use it. I don't know the program, just thought it might be useful to post a link to the portable Linux version ---> after vovchik reacted so rough. quote here.

What I was trying to say with my comment (two posts above) is, people have always a look at things from their respective current perspective - and acting/thinking like this is simply dumb (or maybe stupid is the right term for that - don't know)

- upset as motorists over pedestrians and upset as pedestrians in the opposite case :lol:

- screaming on Data protection and espionage but giving personal data away to win every little fart that there is to win in any contest :lol: :lol:

- Microsoft demonizing because of its "report home" functions but getting wet panties and camping at night in the cold outside when the new iPodPadMacPhone appears on the local shop :lol: :lol: :lol:

- Denounce TeamViewer as a commercial, expensive product, but want to have Wine to use the same kind of products in Puppy Linux :roll: :lol: ... 967#657967 ... 534#659534 ... 298#661298

- calling Portable TemViewer too big (18mb) compared with Puppy Linux (approx. 90mb) quote here, but for a fart of a Kindermalprogram sized 140kb :lol: :lol: :lol: posted here one should install a 25mb or 34mb large qt-4.8 package :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You understand now what I mean? People are stupid! I really don't want to hurt anyone personally, I mean that in general. :lol:


Posted: Mon 05 Nov 2012, 11:43
by vovchik
Dear RSH and backi,

I hab' gesagt, wollte nicht grob vorkommen, aber in Puppy sind die kommerzielle Sachen ein bisserl fremd - und wir kennen Bahnhof ueber ihre echte und innerliche Funktionen. Ich hab' 35 jahre in Deutschland und Oesterreich gelebt und hab' fuer Oesterreich die erste TPC/IP historische Verbindungen gemacht - UNO-CERN (1990). Ich bin mit Unix seit 1980 beschaefftigt. Vorsicht ist nicht unwichtig.


Posted: Mon 05 Nov 2012, 13:41
by backi
Hi vovchic !

Ich denke schon das deine Vorsicht und Zurückhaltung in Bezug auf unbekannte kommerzielle oder auch nicht kommerzielle Programme ihre Berechtigung hat . Wer heutzutage nicht paranoid ist muss total verrückt sein (the one who is not paranoid these days must be completely insane )
Du weisst wahrscheinlich wesentlich mehr über Linux als ich . Ich glaube nicht dass du ein Linuxfundamentalist bist .

Mach dir nen schönen Tag .

Posted: Mon 05 Nov 2012, 15:05
by vovchik
Leiber backi,

Na, kein Fundamentalist, aber es gibt besssere und schlechtere OS. Unix-artige sind, meiner Meinung nach, bessere und sicherere Loesungen. Leider sind sie nicht so gefragt in der Oeffentlichkeit. Aber wart mal. Es gibt in der Welt 500 Supercomputer. 499 davon operierien unter Unix/Linux....Weltraumforschung etc. Ist was! :)


Posted: Tue 06 Nov 2012, 03:33
by RSH
backi wrote:(the one who is not paranoid these days must be completely insane)
There is not really any reason for people like you (and me) to be paranoid in any way - usually.

By a global view there would be maybe only two reasons why anyone should be paranoid.

1. The world would end on 21. December 2012 - like many people do believe (carrying tons of food into their homes and bunkers) :lol:

2. One would live in a country at war or leaded and under pressure by dictators - what must be terrible :shock:

To 1.: if the world would end on 21. December 2012 we could never change it - wether if we are paranoid or not - so, better to be not paranoid :D

To 2.: both of us do not live in a country at war or leaded and under pressure by dictators or something similar - also a reason better to be not paranoid :D

But we are here on the forum, so there would be possibly a third reason, why to be paranoid:

- security reasons in case of the use of a personal computer :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: - that would be really a funny joke :lol:

You don't trust online banking? Move your feet to your local bank or money institution.

You are afraid your mails are read out by third persons and/or government? Write a simple letter.

You are afraid your data, transferred from your notebook to your netbook will get lost or corrupted? Use usb sticks or cd, dvd...

You are afraid of your pc getting infected by viruses and/or worms etc.? Don't save any important data on your personal computer.

USE YOUR BRAIN to save important data!


I mean: no one of us do has a supercomputer and also no one of us do has a need for the use of such a computer. No one of us has to have the need to store important data on the personal computer ---> especially not on that computer which is used for online entertainment! :wink:

All this is a whole lot of useless discussion and paranoia because only of acting without to think about what you are intended to do before you are going to do it. This kind of acting is generally human acting and it is stupid in general and in each and every way. :idea:

Btw: to be paranoid does mean to be mental ill.
To be insane does mean to be mental ill, to have mental illness.
So it must be said as: the one who is paranoid these days must be completely insane :wink:

Cut down the network connection and/or switch down the power supply and all your paranoia will be gone ---> some of us can't do that, because they are online/display-junkies... :lol:


Just to make clear: I'm not talking about computer-workers. I'm talking about us, that we are here for free and for private/common matters.

Posted: Tue 06 Nov 2012, 12:22
by backi
Thanks for your goodwill ....
but it was just meant a bit ironically with my opinion on being paranoid .

"if you got nothing got nothing to loose"----- " Bob Dylan-Like a Rolling Stone-" .

Sure there is nothing on my computer or in my live which could be for much interest or much importance to anyone .
Nevertheless.... thanks for your technical and psychological support !!