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Is there an application to transfer music to cell phones?

Posted: Sat 03 Nov 2012, 17:13
by Rattlehead
I frequently find myself in this situation: I want to transfer a music album from the computer's hard disk to my cellphone memory, so I can listen to it while on the go. Then I find that the album takes, say, 480Mb, and I only have 121Mb free in the cellphone. Then I have to do some calculations: 'would it fit if I erase this other record? No, wait, I still need some 50 Mb more...' or 'Yes, but it would be overkill, it would leave 150 additional Mb unused, so I'll better choose a different one to delete'... etc, etc.

To the time spent doing that, you have to add that the computer-to-cellphone transfer is slow, and then, once you're through, you still have to unmount the cellphone and order the audio player to update its libraries, which also takes time.

So I was wondering if there is any program that speeds up this process. I am thinking of a layout similar to that of CD burners, on one pane the computer folders, for you to select what stuff you want to upload, on the other the cellphone memory and how much of it is currently left, so you can add and remove at ease, try out and experiment what are you going to upload as much as you can before you start the actual transfer.

I have tried the file manager provided by the company for Windows, and it is death by bloatware (Microsoft+Nokia... go figure!) I love the degree of control you get with Linux, where it's as easy as waiting for an icon to appear and then clicking on it to see what's inside; but for the calculations described, I think it would be useful to have some program halfway in between. I was even considering to try and code something myself, but before doing that I'd like to make sure that I'm not reinventing the wheel... Do you know any app created for this purpose, or something more general that could be adapted? Thank you.