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How do we add modules to /etc/modules ?

Posted: Tue 06 Nov 2012, 07:08
by Martificiam
I want to achieve this:

At the very end it says:
7. Now we'll add the module so it will load at startup, again using a terminal:
sudo gedit /etc/modules

8. At the end of the file, add the following:
... and close the window.
But when I go to /etc there's only the modules.conf file and no modules file. Is it the same? If not, where should I add that last line? Because without it the wifi drivers won't work on my laptop. I'm running Precise 5.4 by the way.

Posted: Tue 06 Nov 2012, 13:24
by muggins
Hello Martificiam,

did you successfully compile the module? If you run the network wizard, there is a button called Load module where you can select the compiled module, & test that it works OK, then it should be there when you reboot.

(If it's not showing in the network wizard's list, run depmod -a, in a console, then try the wizard again)

If still doesn't work, you can add modprobe fsaa1655g to the file /etc/rc.d/rc.local, then reboot.

Posted: Wed 07 Nov 2012, 06:11
by Martificiam
Hello, thanks for your answer. Anyway, I have already accomplished this simple task - I've found an item in the menus, which allowed me to load kernel modules at boot (somewhere in the system menu, as far as I remember).