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LazY WInstND

Posted: Thu 08 Nov 2012, 17:52
by RSH

LazY WInstND is an additional tool to the LazY Puppy SFS P.L.U.S.

Using the LazY Puppy SFS P.L.U.S. one can create RunScripts from SFS files to run the applications from menu or desktop button without to load the sfs manually at first ---> it is all done automatically (you surely know this already).

To do this a .desktop file (menu entry) is needed (to grab the needed informaition to be able to build the RunScript/s). This means, the application has to be inside the sfs and it hast to exist a .desktop file. Then everything will work fine.

But we do have a very special sfs (different versions) that usually doesn't handle with shell script files ---> it executes .exe files ---> the wine sfs.

There are lots of applications to install for the use with wine, but these files do not have any .desktop file and also can not be mounted to grab some information from (especially not be mounted/opened by me :cry: )

User oldyeller did made a request here, so, I gathered all my brain cells and did made some work on this request. By reading his post I realized immediately, all what's needed is already available in LazY Puppy. So I made some modifications on a RunScript that was created by the LazY Puppy RunScript-Builder to run programs from the wine sfs (Exact Audio Copy, Foobar2000 - all in the sfs).

Result has been two scripts that can download a defined wine sfs, download a defined .exe, install the defined .exe and execute the installed application ---> all from a single click on its menu entry.

Proof this! :D

Bible Analizer and e-Sword running in LazY Puppy. Using LazY Puppy Wine SFS (1.3.13) and the modified scripts. Both programs do automatically run after the sfs is loaded and the applications are installed using the included scripts executed from the Menu.

Bible Analizer


I must say: after reaching this, I was a little proud. Not because of these two scripts but because of the real good basics in LazY Puppy. :D

Playing with it again and again, standing up, walking through the room, my brain cells are overtaking them self continuously - sit down, stand up, walking through the room... ... ...

... ... ...this might be a really useful tool... ... ...

... ... ...downloading a sfs, downloading a .exe, installing the .exe and executing the installed application - all by one single click on its menu entry... ... ...

... ... ...this has to be, this is a really useful tool... ... ...

I did start to make a front end for those scripts and modified again one of these scripts to have a basic script to build easily more scripts from this one ---> using the GUI.


By now the GUI is still German but it works well. I have to make locals for EN and DE and will add (tab is already there) functions to create a .desktop file to put it automatically (if option is activated) into /usr/share/applications.


I do need some Information to make it useable for languages other than German and English ---> because of the name of the programs directory used in wine: in English it is "Program Files", in German it is "Programme".

Please help here



Posted: Fri 09 Nov 2012, 00:14
by RSH
LazY WInstND - the GUI - part II ---> to speak out: LazY Winston D. :lol:

This Image shows the GUI part for the .desktop file
Data not to see is generated from the RunScript tab (tab 1 - first post) and included automatically.

The created .desktop file

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Bible Analyzer 4
Name[de]=Bible Analyzer 4
Comment=Bible Analyzer is a Bible Program in English language
Comment[de]=Bible Analyzer is a Bible Program in English language
GenericName=Bible Analyzer 4
GenericName[de]=Bible Analyzer 4
The [de] parts has still to be refined...

The GUI is still only in German language...


Posted: Sat 10 Nov 2012, 08:36
by RSH
LazY WInstND - the GUI - part III

Image shows tab for special functions.


Special functions means one can add three scripts to be executed on installing process:

- 1 script to be executed before installing
- 1 script to be executed after the program has started
- 1 script to be executed after installing but before the program starts

Could be useful to create symbolic links, overwrite default settings, run additional software (to this then used software or to your working process) or what ever one can imagine and can be done by puppy.

The GUI is still only in German language but will also appear in English language!

Posted: Tue 20 Nov 2012, 20:06
by RSH

I have to pause this.

The applicatin runs fine in my private version of LazY Puppy, but currently I do not have the time to make a version for LazY Puppy and/or other puppies.

Will do it as soon as possible.