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Puppy Derivatives/Browsers

Posted: Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:51
by Tote
Might be a stupid question but I have to ask...

I'm using a well-used laptop, Celeron M, 245RAM, (I think), running Puppy 432 v2, old, but I like it and it works...

On this 432 version I can use the latest Seamonkey and Firefox browsers out of the box without any slowing down loading web pages, but if I use a newer derivative, anything 5xx series and more up to date, the processor busy light comes on bright enough to hurt my eyes, everything slows to a crawl and I have to wait forever for it to load webpages unless I use No Script and ad block etc.

Is that because of the newer kernels or something else??

Just wondering, :shock:

Re: Puppy Derivatives/Browsers

Posted: Tue 13 Nov 2012, 15:09
by RetroTechGuy
Tote wrote:Might be a stupid question but I have to ask...

I'm using a well-used laptop, Celeron M, 245RAM, (I think), running Puppy 432 v2, old, but I like it and it works...

On this 432 version I can use the latest Seamonkey and Firefox browsers out of the box without any slowing down loading web pages, but if I use a newer derivative, anything 5xx series and more up to date, the processor busy light comes on bright enough to hurt my eyes, everything slows to a crawl and I have to wait forever for it to load webpages unless I use No Script and ad block etc.

Is that because of the newer kernels or something else??

Just wondering, :shock:
I have an old 333MHz with 256MB RAM (+ 512 Swap), running 5.25 Retro.

It works pretty good, but Firefox slows it down greatly.

However, I actually find that the 5.25 Retro seems to have lower RAM demand than the old 4.31 Retro I had previously tried. And other than running the browser on intense pages and playing video (which is nearly impossible on that old machine), it works pretty well.

Might be worth giving Retro a try:

On my more powerful machines, I find that the standard 5.28 seems to be less hardware intensive than 4.31 was.

But I think that part of the problem is that Firefox has become quite bloated and slow (I find that it gobbles up RAM, and then needs to be shut down, or the RAM needs to be flushed, else it struggles -- that is on a fairly fast machine, with 1GB RAM and at least that much swap).

Catching up on my reading, and found this thread (page 3 has a .pet called

Posted: Tue 13 Nov 2012, 19:18
by Tote
Hi there, thanks for the reply. I think I actually remember seeing that thread about the replacement for Flash a while ago.

I've tried retro and probably 50+ other puppy derivatives, I'm slightly addicted. This machine will run the majority of them, sometimes better than others.

I don't have a problem watching videos on 432 with Firefox or Seamonkey, I just wondered why the processor often almost slows to a standstill with some of the newer builds I've tried and works ok with 432.

It's not a big problem, just curious about why it happens.

Thanks again!