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Will Precise Puppy work on this old machine?

Posted: Mon 19 Nov 2012, 09:59
by ahmed742163
Will percise linux puppy work on a pentium 3 700mhz 256Mb Ram Machine??
I also hope to find a solution for my Arabic subtitle problem that cant be viewed in Arabic characters in the Gnome player

Posted: Mon 19 Nov 2012, 10:00
by ahmed742163
I am using Linux puppy slako version 5.3.3 now

Posted: Mon 19 Nov 2012, 12:40
by Flash
The answer is yes, though with only 256 MB of RAM you won't be able to add a whole lot of programs or run any that use a lot of RAM, such as Flash video (or any other kind of video for that matter).

If the machine has a CD drive, you can easily see if Puppy will run in it without disturbing anything that might be in its hard disk. Just boot Puppy from a CD and play around with it. You can even save your settings and installed programs back onto the CD, if the CD drive is a burner.

Will Precise Puppy work on this old machine?

Posted: Tue 20 Nov 2012, 06:04
by Sky Aisling
Hello ahmed742163

Some of the older Puppies such as Puppy-4.3.1 will run well on small RAM machines.
I'm not sure about the Arabic subtitle issue, however.
Do you know Flash?

Puppy-4.3.1 frugally installed can utilize .sfs files for updating apps such as Seamonkey browser.

Re: Will Precise Puppy work on this old machine?

Posted: Thu 22 Nov 2012, 03:22
by Shep
ahmed742163 wrote:Will percise linux puppy work on a pentium 3 700mhz 256Mb Ram Machine??
I also hope to find a solution for my Arabic subtitle problem that cant be viewed in Arabic characters in the Gnome player
ahmed742163, have you read the Precise threads, and noted what other users have reported on their successes at running Precise Puppy on PIII's?

Unless there is something unique in Precise that you cannot run in any other puppy, I recommend that you try pemasu's Dpup Exprimo 5.X.15 here:

I run Exprimo 5.X.15 on a 560MHz PIII and FireFox gives the fastest/smoothest browsing in any pup that I've tried. I do have more RAM that you are using, though, 768MB.

Good luck!