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ZDoom .pet??

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2012, 00:38
by Haut_Dawg
Howdy, Pupsters!!
This is my first post. WHOOPIE! Anyways, I just wanted to introduce myself. I've been using Puppy for a few months now. Right now I have Precise 5.4.1. I want to get better using Puppy, so I though I'd try and make a .pet. I think this project will help me learn the guts of Puppy. I'm doing this in my free time when I'm not working or volunteering at FreeGeek. I'm reading all the documentations I can. I would like to make the .pet compatible with most and/or all Puppy OSes.
I think ZDoom or even GZDoom would be an excellent addition to the Puppy gaming library. Chocolate doom is OK, but I've gotten use to looking up or down. Besides, the new mods Doomers are making these days are absolutely spec·tac·u·lar!
Anyways, any advice from the Puppy community will most welcome.
Thanks again.

Hi Haut_Dawg

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2012, 10:31
by veronicathecow
Just saying hi to welcome you to Puppy linux forum. They are a friendly bunch here.
Sadly I am not a gamer (don't have time) but I wish you luck with your quest.


Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:41
by Haut_Dawg
Thanks for welcoming me. That was my first time posting in any forum. Check out my Eye Candy in My Puppy is more gorgeous than yours! It may or maybe not more gorgeous than anyone else's, but I'm proud of it. By the way I'm a Tony, too.
Anthony (Haut_Dawg)

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2012, 18:56
by chrome307
Regarding ZDoom, I do not think this will be possible because of this:

You need to provide your own game IWAD. If you do not have a copy of Doom, Heretic, or Hexen, the easiest way to obtain them is to purchase them from Steam.

Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2012, 00:20
by Makoto
You generally have to do that with all the alternate DOOM interpreters, though. Now, if it didn't allow the shareware DOOM wads, or the alternate/edited wads, that would be a different story.

However, earlier posts I've seen about ZDoom on this forum seem to imply it's closed-source, or that people prefer running the Windows version under Wine much more than anything else. Is there a homepage for ZDoom I can look at? (Yeah, I know, run a websearch. I'm about to leave, unfortunately. :oops: )

About iwads and pwads

Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2012, 00:29
by Haut_Dawg
I've been playing Doom since it first came out. Since Doom was the first 1st person shooter to support multiplayer and level designing mods.. in 1992ish methinks.. (Geez, I'm old.). Anyways, many fans over the years have collected iwads and pwads in the thousands. I alone have at least 5 gigs of these level designs.
Getting the iwads or pwads is not the problem, just a simple search at idarchives or doomworld forums. The problem is getting rid of the legacy Windoze dependences and making them Linux friendly or in this case Puppy friendly. There is a ZDoom Linux hack to get it working already, but I gotta have ZDoom in my Puppy. Are there any other Puppy Linux Doomer fans out there?
By the way, thanks chrome307 for responding. I think only people that's going to care about this project o'mine probably already have all the iwads and pwads needed to play this already. Please keep the input coming! Thanks again!
Haut_Dawg :lol:

Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2012, 02:20
by Makoto
Does it support the 'HD' Doom efforts? (Have to find the link to those, again...)

Anyway, for anyone who might want to attempt it, I'll go ahead and include a link to the The official "ZDoom on Linux" thread. post from the ZDoom forums; there might be something useful in there for anyone who's willing to attempt to compile it in Puppy. Maybe. :oops:

Gettin' started..

Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2012, 02:33
by Haut_Dawg
From Zdoom Linux Wiki:

Install dependencies

ZDoom needs certain dependencies in order to compile. These versions are known to work with recent ZDoom versions:

gcc 4.1–4.5 or 3.4.6
cmake 2.6 or 2.4
fmodex 4.26.36
SDL 1.2.8–1.2.13
zlib (optional - ZDoom has a copy of it and will be statically compiled in if not found)
libbzip2 (optional - possibly static)
libjpeg (optional - possibly static)
nasm 2.03.90–2.05.01 or 0.98.39 (optional)
GTK2 (optional)
Mesa (if compiling GZDoom); or any other GL implementation provider
gxmessage (needed to show the crash log in a window)

You can presumably use any higher versions of these programs, however that might not be the case. FMOD Ex, notably, does not have a constant API and using a version newer than the one listed above can prevent the successful compilation or execution of ZDoom.

Aren't most of these in Precise 5.4.1??

By the way HD Doom sprites never look right, however, the high rez level textures are awesome. Besides I like old school pixeled look. 8)

Posted: Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:16
by john biles
Just added Prboom a port of Doom to Legacy OS 2 Repository.
While its been tested in Legacy OS 2 it may be worth while running Live in other Puppy versions.

Slowly but surely..

Posted: Wed 19 Dec 2012, 02:03
by Haut_Dawg
Still sorting stuff out. I keep making mistakes, but with every setback I'm learning more. I was thinking, if I finally get this to work right, why not make a frontend for all the different Doom engine's and you can play with any engine you wanted to with just one pet. I'm not that good, yet, but it's possible.

For those interested in HD Doom stuph try here..

Posted: Wed 19 Dec 2012, 16:09
by Haut_Dawg