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Can I use the BootManager in Puppy-5.3... ?

Posted: Tue 04 Dec 2012, 17:17
by vmars316
In Ph101-001.html , I find the following
"SFS files only work with Frugal installations and after a save_file has been created. You will be given the option to create a save_file after your first shutdown. A Frugal installation normally consists of three files:

initrd.gz (ramdisk),
lupu_525.sfs (The collection of software and scripts), and
vmlinuz (the kernel)." statement in PH101-001.html

Currently, does this mean that I cannot use the BootManager in Puppy-5.3... ?


Posted: Thu 06 Dec 2012, 01:25
by Burn_IT
Yes and no to reply to your two contradictory questions.
I'm assuming you are talking about Grub, but any boot manager will work that will invoke a program rather than just point to a boot sector.
I have three versions of frugal and other stuff, all on the same partition, but in different folders.
The booting is controlled through Grub4Dos

Posted: Thu 06 Dec 2012, 01:38
by don570
Once a bootmanager(grub,grub4dos or lilo) has successfully
modified MBR, it will open many different types of linux distributions
and Windows can be opened. It just takes the
right statements written to the menu.lst (or lilo.conf if you're using
lilo) i.e. the configuration.

Puppy users use grub4dos since it's in the start menu
and doesn't need the Windows computer to have a EXT2,EXT3 or EXT4
