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how to edit the package manager?

Posted: Fri 07 Dec 2012, 21:36
by morgonzola
So I recently have had a hankering to learn some coding and one thing I want to mess around with is the package manager. I have some ideas on how I can make it work/look a little more to my liking But I don't really know where to start.

I guess my first question is what language(es) do I need to know to accomplish this?

I just started Codeacademy and I have no knowledge about any of this, but the best way to learn is to jump in head first right? :wink: and plus I have this IBM model M keyboard I got for $20 just sitting there waiting to be used

Anyways, any help, knowledge would be much appreciated!

Posted: Fri 07 Dec 2012, 21:44
by RSH

The package manager of LazY Puppy (lucid based) is in /usr/local/petget/ ---> file

It is written in ShellScript (bash) which is (should be) already installed in any puppy - I think so.

Hope that helps for a start.