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Wacky extra (WBAR maybe) launcher at top of my screen...

Posted: Sat 08 Dec 2012, 08:52
by Flash858
I love Linux.

The more I fiddle with it, the more stuff I break, and the more I learn...

It has likely been there a while, but I just noticed a new XFCE-looking launch bar AT the top of my screen. I hadn't noticed it, as it is hidden by default. However now that I know it is there, it is making me crazy! My mouse cursor is simply DRAWN to it, and I am powerless to avoid clicking something in the bar that I had no intention of opening whatsoever...

Anyway, anyone recognize it? I have wbar installed, but no other dock-style tweaks, and I can only find the one wbar config file, and it is for the dock at the bottom, which I want.


Posted: Sat 08 Dec 2012, 09:11
by Flash858
I ran top, full screened it, and there was a single instance of wbar. When I killed it, it closed the bottom dock, as suspected...

Posted: Sat 08 Dec 2012, 09:45
by greengeek
I like your Beatle-esque puppy. Where is that from, I haven't seen it before?


Posted: Sat 08 Dec 2012, 17:59
by Flash858
From The Puppy Box site here: ... -rings.jpg

Lots of themes and info as well!

Posted: Sat 08 Dec 2012, 18:31
by greengeek
Thanks - I haven't seen that site before. I had a quick scan through some of the images - some quite interesting ones. Zombie pup caught my eye (not sure I'd be wanting to use it though...)

Posted: Sun 09 Dec 2012, 00:00
by `f00
hi Flash858

Once upon a time (somewhere around p42, if I recall correctly) there was an offshoot of the jwm tray called ptray - basically a bunch of traybuttons in a top (by default) jwm-tray. No idea how it got into your pup but that's what it looks like .. try looking at your jwm tray file? If it changes to match a jwm theme, that's a hint as to what it likely is. Also as I recall (if it's ptray), one of the buttons launches the config for it..

wbar doesn't do a slideout on pointer-touch like some autohide tray/panels (as far as I know), but it occasionally does grab the pointer .. a r-click will usually 'refresh' wbar so it doesn't play that craziness (something to remember if that ever does happen, l-clicking just keeps launching stuff :lol: )



Posted: Sun 09 Dec 2012, 06:44
by Flash858
Thanks man. That was EXACTLY what it was!

There was an entire configuration adding a second tray with autohide=true.

This is what happens when I save stuff for years and cobble together frankenpuppy... I have config files that I saved from The theme I use for pwidgets I think I made in 2008, and if I ever lose it, I will never remember how I did it. I should occasionally comment my edits...

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Anyway, problem solved, thanks again!