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lameSMBxplorer and gtkdialog Problem

Posted: Mon 17 Dec 2012, 19:20
by brianh
Trying to find a faster way to mount the Samba share on my NAS drive than Pnethood, I installed
Then ran from Rox Terminal:
lameSMBqmount <servername> <sharename>
it gave the error:
Dependency: gtkdialog-0.7.20 required
Used the Puppy dependency checker but it found no problems with lameSMBxplorer
So I tried other versions:
They all gave the same error
So I installed
Still no joy running lameSMBqmount but now I get the error:
gtkdialog3: symbol lookup error: gtkdialog3: undefined symbol: zcfree
When I run Pnethood
I presume the gtkdialog install broke the Pnethood UI. Unfortunately it also broke the UI for the Puppy package installer so I can't de-install anything.
I don’t want to wipe my Puppy install from the hard drive and reinstall from CD as I've added quite a few useful pets. Is there any way to repair it?
I'm using puppy-4.1.2-k2.6.25.16-seamonkey.iso based on lucid 5.2.8.
18/12/12 Update: I copied the Puppy master files back to my hard drive from the live CD and reinstalled the pets I need, so all's well except Pnethood still takes ages to probe my NAS drive.

Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2013, 16:11
by darkcity
Maybe this should be in the networking section not audio? :arrow:

Posted: Sat 23 Feb 2013, 11:17
by brianh
Good idea! I've started a new thread there.