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keyboard shortcut for jwm showdesktop [solved]

Posted: Tue 18 Dec 2012, 06:49
by xophist
.jwm-tray has this:

<TrayButton popup="Show Desktop" icon="mini-desktop.xpm">showdesktop</TrayButton>

This allows you to minimize all windows and showdesktop by clicking the icon.

Apparently, showdesktop is not a command.

I'd like to do this without needing the mouse. Is there a command for this?

If so, it could be bound to a key combo in .jwmrc like this:

<Key mask="A" key="Super_L">exec:showdesktop_cmd</Key>

where showdesktop_cmd is what I'm looking for.

Posted: Tue 18 Dec 2012, 17:00
by npierce

You are almost there!

As you have noted, showdesktop is not a regular command that can be run on the command line. It is a JWM "action".

exec: is another JWM "action" used for running regular commands, but not other JWM actions.

So you want to eliminate the exec: and just use showdesktop, like this:

Code: Select all

<Key mask="A" key="Super_L">showdesktop</Key>
At least that works on JWM version svn-505, which came with Racy 5.2.2.

Good luck.

Posted: Tue 18 Dec 2012, 19:00
by xophist
npierce wrote:

Code: Select all

<Key mask="A" key="Super_L">showdesktop</Key>
npierce, that worked!

Your explanation was helpful.

Thank you!

Posted: Mon 24 Dec 2012, 13:58
by npierce
You're welcome.

And (a bit belatedly), welcome to the forum!

Posted: Mon 24 Dec 2012, 14:14
by amigo
wmctrl can be used from CLI to minimize all windows.