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encrypted precisesave

Posted: Thu 20 Dec 2012, 21:22
by macsdoubt
This is my first post, so before I (tentatively) report what I think is a major bug, I want to say thanks to all Puppy developers for all your work. I've been using Puppy since version 2 and I have never found any other version of Linux to match it for simplicity and user-friendliness. But ...

Encrypted precisesave seems to be broken. I get the same results on two different machines, an HP Pavilion desktop and a Toshiba Satellite laptop.

First-time saving to a flash drive with heavy encryption causes a kernel panic on reboot when precisesave_crypta starts to load. I've tried 3 different flash drives. And I know it's not the CDs I've burned because all work perfectly if I create an unencrypted precisesave file. (I've had the same results on every version of Precise 5.4 including 5.4.3.)

Saving to a hard disk with heavy encryption gives a different result. The desktop loads, but images do not. Precise says it cannot recognize .jpg files. It also doesn't remember any settings.

If this is a bug, anyone should be able to reproduce it on any machine that can handle Precise Puppy. The kernel panic produces several lines of code I don't understand. I cannot do a screenshot with a frozen computer.

I think Slacko 5.3 had this problem too, if I remember correctly. Then, I just chucked the CD in the bin and went back to Lupu. I don't want to give up on Precise, though, because I really like it. However, being able to encrypt my root directory is essential for me, especially with a flash drive.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but if anyone trying Puppy Linux for the first time experiences this problem they will not be impressed.

Posted: Thu 20 Dec 2012, 23:26
by rcrsn51
Encryption works for me in Precise. But you have to follow the instructions and format the save file as ext2.

encrypted precisesave

Posted: Fri 21 Dec 2012, 06:19
by macsdoubt
I neglected to mention in my original post that I've been using encrypted pupsave files since Puppy 3, I've followed the procedure many times and I always do choose the ext2 format.

So now I am really puzzled, because I keep getting the same result with Precise but not with Racy or Lupu. Both my computers consistently produce similar results.

Precise encrypted savefile bug

Posted: Thu 03 Jan 2013, 11:18
by watchdog
I reported such a bug in the thread of Precise 5.4: ... 2&start=60

I thought the problem was the wrong installation of mesa. I suggest you first to create an encrypted savefile without any installation. Then reboot and try installing your programs.