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Can't ssh to puppy machine- connection refused. <SOLVED>

Posted: Thu 03 Jan 2013, 05:18
by Nexus
Hi all,

I have two laptops, a new one running Mint and an ancient IBM Thinkpad running Puppy. I want to set up synergy on them so that I can use the old lappy as a second screen.

I've successfully set up IPs for both computers and I can ping both ways. I can ssh the Mint machine from the Puppy one, but not the other way round. The error I get is

ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Posted: Thu 03 Jan 2013, 06:25
by 01micko
Puppy by default doesn't ship with ssh server, just client. You can install it though. In Slacko, the infrastructure is already there, just install it from the PPM, (search for openssh) Make sure that /etc/init.d/sshd is set to executable and start the service. This will initiate your gpg key.

If not running Slacko then it should be in the PPM, or search this forum.

Posted: Thu 03 Jan 2013, 07:02
by Nexus
sshd is configured right and is running, but I still cannot connect. Anyway, wouldn't that mean I can't connect from Puppy to Mint, rather than the other way round?

Posted: Thu 03 Jan 2013, 08:08
by 01micko
The pup machine needs to be running sshd as it's the server if you want to log into it remotely. Just check your config file (/etc/ssh/sshd_config). something like this should do it:

Code: Select all

# override default of no subsystems
Subsystem	sftp	/usr/libexec/sftp-server

# Example of overriding settings on a per-user basis
#Match User anoncvs
	X11Forwarding yes
	AllowTcpForwarding yes
	X11DisplayOffset 10
	X11UseLocalhost yes
Once that's good restart the service then see if you can log in from the remote Mint box.

BTW: just tested by ssh with my raspberry pi running slackware arm to one of my laptops running slacko-5.4. Also works in the other direction too.

Posted: Thu 03 Jan 2013, 10:14
by Nexus
GAH! Problem solved. It turned out to be the firewall on pup. I should have taken "connection refused" in its most literal sense.

Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2013, 06:55
by zrdc28
Nexus wrote:GAH! Problem solved. It turned out to be the firewall on pup. I should have taken "connection refused" in its most literal sense.
How did you do it I have the same problem and have tried manipulating the firewall with no results. Please be gentle with me as I am new to puppy.

Posted: Tue 08 Jan 2013, 10:27
by Master_wrong
setting the ssh server is easier if you first ssh your localhost.

check the pic in here ... 62&t=63523