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Precise Puppy Aqualung won't play .MP3 file

Posted: Mon 07 Jan 2013, 01:28
by LaRioja
I just got some soundtrack that was named something.MP3.
I clicked in ROX on it, Aqualung started but did not play it.
I had to rename and change the ending
to lowercase something.mp3.
Is this meant to be this way or is it a bug in the distro and if so
how can I fix it?

Posted: Wed 09 Jan 2013, 00:58
by don570
I believe it is standard practise in Puppy linux to have lower-case

If you have programming experience it is easy to write a script to
change an extension from one type to another. Use 'sed' command.
Just change '.MP3' to '.mp3'

Then put the script in the corresponding Rox's 'OpenWith' folder
to make it a right-click menu option.

It's easy to do once you know the method. I would write the script now
but I'm not at home with my computer.


Posted: Fri 11 Jan 2013, 01:35
by don570
Here's a pet that will change a .MP3 file to a .mp3 file with a
right click. There is a warning if there is a file already existing...

However under precise puppy I didn't have any problem with opening files with Aqualung.

Code: Select all

mv -i $@ ${@%.MP3}.mp3  2> /tmp/MP3_error
grep -q "mv: overwrite" /tmp/MP3_error
if [ "$?" -eq  0 ];then
Xdialog  --ok-label "OK" --backtitle "\n\n A file with the same name has been found. "  --msgbox  "The name can not be changed.\n" 0 0

rm -f  /tmp/MP3_error
exit 0