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Partview Icon

Posted: Wed 16 Jan 2013, 20:27
by Paul Earland
My Partview Icon (in system tray) started of as four green lines on top of each other. This has now gone to three horizontal green lines, with the top one missing. After using puppy for some time this Icon changes to Orange and goes down to two horizontal lines. When I click on it shows me the partitions all with plenty of space free. Not sure why Icon turns orange or why even at start up there is one green bar missing. Thanks. Paul

Posted: Thu 17 Jan 2013, 00:11
by capicoso
In a full install i suppose it shows the puppy partition space. In a frugal it shows you the space of the puppy savefile. When you open it i think it just shows the partitions space. If you have it on orange/red you should resize the savefile. Also, you could symlink the download folder to outside of puppy(ie /mnt/home) and other config folders which take big space like .wine or chromium cache.

If you hover your mouse over the bars it should tell you the puppy space left. Or you could also open your filemanager and right click on / and check space(thats puppy savefile space)

Partview Icon

Posted: Thu 17 Jan 2013, 07:14
by Sky Aisling
Paul Earland writes:
After using puppy for some time this Icon changes to Orange and goes down to two horizontal lines.
capicoso writes:
If you have it on orange/red you should resize the savefile.
Paul, Welcome ...

You'll find the *resize* option in Menu/Utility/Resize Personal Storage File

Posted: Thu 17 Jan 2013, 14:42
by Semme
Yeah, Paul- Welcome! Your browsers cache is probably the missing space culprit.. IT'S HUNGRY!