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Sound card bug with RetroPrecise 5.4.3?

Posted: Thu 17 Jan 2013, 03:03
by VictorVictor5
Greetings all and I hope this is in the right category.

I was tinkering with Retro Puppy 5.4.3 and noticed it doesn't have drivers for my sound card, but Puppy Wary 5.3 does.

(Noob alert) - Is this a bug? Or do I somehow need to get the files from Wary to put on Retro?

If that's the case, how do I do that?

Specs: Gateway Solo 9100 w/Optional Trident, 384 MB RAM, 160 GB HDD (in partitions). The sound card (from what I remember) is a Yamaha OPL3_SAx.


Posted: Thu 17 Jan 2013, 03:05
by bark_bark_bark
copying drivers from one puppy to another, is not possible. doing that confuses the driver AND the kernel.

Posted: Thu 17 Jan 2013, 03:12
by VictorVictor5
Ok, so do I have any options?

Posted: Thu 17 Jan 2013, 03:17
by bark_bark_bark
not sure as of now. I am still a major n00b to linux.