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report-system GUI

Posted: Sat 02 Feb 2013, 20:02
by don570
EDIT: Now compatible with Exprimo and Wheezy distributions.
Compatible with a wide variety of Puppies , new and old, including
Wary Racy Slacko Carolina Precise and Lucid Puppy

Barry Kauler suggested that I rename my GUI, report-video to
report-system. I have done this. There are foreign translations
in German,French and Spanish available. Thanks to RSH and vicmz
and J.J. Moulinier.
The first time you use it there is a brief (2 second) hesitation,
but it is faster in subsequent launches.


Warning! It does not run on Exprimo. I will fix this problem.

You can launch from the Start > System menu or
type report-system in terminal .

The system report is also found in /tmp (except it's called report-system
not report-video)


report-system version 2.9

Posted: Tue 05 Feb 2013, 21:33
by don570
new version 2.9

Now compatible with Wheezy and Exprimo distributions by Pemasu


Posted: Fri 08 Feb 2013, 20:52
by anewuser
nice tool.

Indeed does work on wary 5.0 just to confirm and let you know.

Posted: Sat 01 Jun 2013, 17:12
by don570
new version 3.0

-added a section for universally unique identifier (UUID)
which gives each partition a unique number for identification.

This info can come in handy when filling in a GRUB or grub4dos
menu.lst file ... identifier