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Precise performs save file check at every boot - SOLVED!

Posted: Sun 10 Feb 2013, 00:40
by revbish
I'm using Precise Puppy 5.4.2 in a frugal install on a Compaq Presario laptop, and just lately, it's started doing "Save file check" every time I boot up. This adds considerably to the boot time, and it didn't used to do this. I'm really loving this Puppy more and more every day, since I've configured it now to do just about anything I want to do on a computer. This isn't really a "problem" per say, but I'd rather it not happen. Anyone have any ideas on how to remedy this? Thanks a lot to everyone on this forum, to all the developers, and especially to Barry for designing the first Puppy!

Posted: Sun 10 Feb 2013, 05:09
by capicoso
Hello. Not sure, but you could check your grub's config file to see if the puppy entry has pfix=fsck enabled... if it's, just delete it. I would make two entries though, one with and one without, just in case

Posted: Sun 10 Feb 2013, 08:24
by tytower
Warning - backup "Savefile " somewhere first!

I have precise 5.4.2 too and have had this happen to me .I think a flag file is set on your USB stick called "" or something like that . When the file is present it goes straight into checking the savefile. but I don't understand how that file affects the boot.

When it was there when this happened to me I just deleted it but if it keeps remaking itself then there is something wrong with your savefile.

I keep backing up the savefile to a hard disk in my machine and when I get problems like this I simply copy it back to the USB stick and I have only lost a couple of days emails etc. Leave your emails on the server for 7 days and back every 4 days works for me.

Hopefully someone knowledgeable will turn up to answer this.


Posted: Sun 10 Feb 2013, 15:13
by revbish
Thanks for the ideas. Capicoso, that indeed was the problem. I just deleted the pfix=fsck and problem fixed. Thank you so much! Boots are fast as ever now.

Posted: Sun 10 Feb 2013, 17:52
by starhawk
I realize this is a [SOLVED] topic but I had one thing to add, that may be important.

What filesystem are you using? If ext2 you probably should leave that savefile check there -- ext2 is prone to corruption if a shutdown is forced -- eg power failure, or leaning too long on the power button (I like to call that a "manual override" lol).

If it's ext3 you'll be just fine tho. ext3 is able to keep itself together a little better.

Posted: Sun 10 Feb 2013, 17:56
by revbish
Starhawk, it's ext3.

Posted: Sun 10 Feb 2013, 22:11
by capicoso
That's why i said he should make two entries just in case. One for normal use and another for emergency :oops:

Posted: Mon 11 Feb 2013, 01:01
by starhawk
If it's ext3 then you're fine. Just wanted to check.

@capicoso -- that's just fine, except that you can boot from CD with puppy pfix=fsck and achieve the same result IIRC. So it's slightly redundant.

Whatever. Different strokes for different folks ;) it's all good.