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Does Puppy 5.4 on flash drive leave the HD alone?

Posted: Sun 10 Feb 2013, 01:22
by hatewindows
Quick questions : I have the most current ver of Linux mint installed on my Hard drive-I also installed Puppy 5.4 onto a 16GB usb flash drive.. When i boot to Puppy from the usb drive does any data write to the computers hard drive which has the Mint os and when i make changes in Puppy --fonts-- settings-- ect will those changes remain on the USB flash drive each time i boot to it or do i have to go back and reset eveything? Thanks for any help!! Have a great eve! PS Been using LINUX for many years-Puppy is new i wanted to try it out! Thanks!! :P

Posted: Sun 10 Feb 2013, 01:39
by Hogweed
On first shutdown after first boot with a standard "frugal" install, Puppy will give you the option to save your session (and all subsequent ones) to a savefile. This savefile can be on any accessible media including the USB device you booted from. If you choose not to do so Puppy will never write to any other file system on the device (unless you explicitly tell it to of course :-) )

If you choose to save to the USB device you booted from then your current filesystem state is available at next boot. You can also place the savefile on another filesystem on the host PC or not have one at all but that is up to you.

So yes you can change anything, install anything and it will all be available if backed up to a Puppy savefile.

Posted: Sun 10 Feb 2013, 01:55
by hatewindows
Thank you so much!!!