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LupuSavefile eaten up when I copy file to USB

Posted: Sun 10 Feb 2013, 16:34
by nooby
Seems only to happen when I want to copy
a big file from /mnt/home to sdf1 usb say 500MB big
and the savefile only have 150mb free or so.

Why does Rox need to use the savefile
for to copy a file to usb from hd?

Is that how it always works? Seems also that
it does not help to add to the savefile size
because next time that part got eaten too.

Can I repair the Savefile by open it up somehow
and delete all the extra stuff that have accumulated.

Posted: Sun 10 Feb 2013, 16:40
by rcrsn51
Are you sure that you have the USB drive mounted when you do this?

If you tried to copy a file from /mnt/home to an UNmounted sdf1, it would actually go into the folder /mnt/sdf1 inside your save file.

I have never seen your problem when the target device was correctly mounted.

Posted: Sun 10 Feb 2013, 17:19
by nooby
Much appreciated. You could be right
I remember vaguely that it actually says
/mnt/sdf1 or Sd1
so I'll try again thanks indeed want to do a backup
of savefile first to be able to repair it.