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minicom -- gtktrem

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 18:20
by jim nagel
both of these programs are not there - whats up ? updated puppy package several times and they are gone. gotta have them or at least one of them .

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 19:07
by Semme
Whether Slacko, Precise or Lucid- Minicom's there! Your other, gtktrem- a typo?

cant find either one through puppy though

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 19:35
by jim nagel
i think there was a secondary point and a question in my post. WHERE HAVE THEY GONE AND WHY ? and yes i was clever enough to have downloaded a tarball already. am trying to convince my boss that linux is worthwhile enough to use for router maintenance. little things like this do not help in the least. as for the typo comment. your kidding right ?

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 19:37
by Semme
Pardon me Jim- I didn't realize. Must'a been a wrong number.. Term, not trem!

so you have no answer then ?

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 19:50
by jim nagel
they have both vanished from the puppy package manager. at least for now. wonder whats up. one of the biggest reasons i rarely go to forums - always a smart as geekoid coming out of the shadows needing to flex his what ever

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 19:54
by Semme
If you say so Jim.. Hey, and for what it's worth, I'd boot live and replace my petget directory- they're both there.

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 21:31
by 666philb
both are in the precise PPM for me..... after you updated , did you restart the PPM?

same old thing

Posted: Mon 04 Mar 2013, 17:28
by jim nagel
just moved on to different linux distros - did all you said and ran into the same thing on almost every one - a bit different each time - but always wound up with the red box saying it wasnt found. mysteriously one machine worked and found everything i needed but the next 4-5 times it did the same thing. simply not interested in it anymore. not into geek squad mysteries at all

closer to understanding the issue

Posted: Tue 05 Mar 2013, 05:13
by jim nagel
tried 4 more identical machines - same issue - would find a few things in PPM but others simply would not. updating the repos seemed to go fine. files were there. software was listed in the files. PPM simply was not reading the updated files somehow . checked all permissions and all that stuff. no worky. these were all k8t neo motherboards. tried it on 2 ~3-4 year old centrino laptops and worked like a charm. now that i have seen this i wont pursue it any more. will just avoid even trying those pc's.