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Tango anyone?

Posted: Fri 15 Mar 2013, 16:01
by damaranzig
:D I was wondering if we could have a gps-clients .pet for lucid, precise and slacko soon. gpsd for Lucid works fine in Precise and slacko but there's nowhere we could get gps-clients. In lucid, gps-clients is downloadable from debian repos using Puppy Package Manager but it doesn't work. What is odd is that precise and slacko users can have a gpsd working alright but there's practically no use for it inasmuch no tangogps .pet works for either precise and slacko !

And also, the googleearth .sfs which works in precise and slacko (thanks to the nouveau driver) does not have the gps tracking feature which is however found in the google earth windbloze version. I don't get it. Is there some kind of a google earth gps feature embargo for the linux version?

Any help would be so appreciated.

Posted: Fri 15 Mar 2013, 16:09
by Semme
Damaranzig- Welcome to Pup mate!

If your PPM's been updated, you'll surely find gpsd-clients_3.4-2_i386.deb there- along with any deps.

As far as tangogps.. you could probably get away with installing the one for Lucid.

Concerning GE, too many times functionality's lost porting apps to Linux.

Ah.. :idea: Further investigation reveals gps tracking possibilities....


Posted: Mon 18 Mar 2013, 10:53
by damaranzig

I don't see Debian PPMs for Precise and Slacko but yes, Ubuntu repos for Lucid exist. I tried the debian gps-clients on Lucid but it doesn't work as well as it does on Ubuntu so I always end up reverting back to my trusty (K)Ubuntu when I need to run xgps.

I hope you, and the rest of the coders up there in the coding realm, could find time and interest to include the very useful GPS tool on the very buggy, freeze-prone Google Earth for puppy linux.

Best regards.

Posted: Mon 18 Mar 2013, 12:24
by Semme

Posted: Mon 18 Mar 2013, 22:19
by damaranzig
Already got xgps (gps-clients) working on Precise 5.4.3. Now I need Tango for Precise because the Lucid Tango works only for Lucid and I can't seem to find Tangogps on Precise's ubuntu repos even after updating package manager.

Tango already

Posted: Tue 26 Mar 2013, 19:14
by damaranzig
This thread is CLOSED as the following ubuntu-precise packages work wonderfully on Precise Puppy 5.5:
gpsd-clients_3.4-2 (provides "xgps" and "xgpsspeed")
tangogps_0.99.3+debian directly downloadable from

BTW, I use a MediaTek usb GPS dongle that normally shows as /dev/ttyACM0

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