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Latest Nathan Wallpaper zapping *.png's ? [SOLVED]

Posted: Tue 19 Mar 2013, 14:58
by musher0
Hello, all.

That's a new behavior in Wallpaper, eh? It never happened before.

In wary 5.5, the Nathan Wallpaper utility is now zapping *.png's, and of course, no good deed going unpunished, it also erases your current background. So you end up with the default light grey background, and 0 Kb for your favorite *.png.

I understand *.png's generally take more space than *.jpg's, but please, that's a decision for the user to make, not the developer. To whoever last fiddled with the Nathan Wallpaper script: make a public confession, and perhaps you'll be pardoned! ;)

Moral of this story is: find and use an older version of "Nathan Wallpaper", not the current one. Older versions don't have this bug.


Posted: Thu 21 Mar 2013, 21:46
by Karl Godt
I remember I had such occurrence once, too. I think it is code in
/usr/sbin/background_reshape . Will have to look for it . It might have something to do with file name with spaces or some used binary ie jpegtopnm pamcut pnmcut and their libraries.

Posted: Fri 22 Mar 2013, 14:53
by musher0
Hello, Karl.

I'm not advanced enough, unlike yourself, to edit the code. So I un-installed the 0.6 version and re-installed

However thanks for the confirmation that I was not seeing things !!!

Best regards.


Posted: Fri 22 Mar 2013, 21:48
by 01micko
I was the last one to modify Nathan's wallpaper setter.

It is default in Slacko and the default image is a PNG ! No problems reported. I wonder if this is a Wary specific bug?

NB: as far as I know, Slacko uses the same netpbm tools as Wary, this is responsible for the cropping in Barry's code to which Karl refers.

Posted: Sat 23 Mar 2013, 04:57
by musher0
01micko wrote:I was the last one to modify Nathan's wallpaper setter.

It is default in Slacko and the default image is a PNG ! No problems reported. I wonder if this is a Wary specific bug?

NB: as far as I know, Slacko uses the same netpbm tools as Wary, this is responsible for the cropping in Barry's code to which Karl refers.
Hi, 01micko.

Long time no see, eh? :) I hope you are well.

As I said, I'm not expert enough to venture in the code -- and truly, I have other fish to fry. ;)



Posted: Mon 25 Mar 2013, 14:01
by Karl Godt
Wary-5.5 seems not to have Nathan Wallpaper Setter installed by default.
It must be the wallpaper-setter by BK then, as I look into puppy_wary-5.5.sfs/usr/local/apps .

Will boot and check tomorrow or later today.
musher0 wrote:and truly, I have other fish to fry. Wink

Posted: Mon 25 Mar 2013, 16:27
by musher0
Karl Godt wrote:musher0,
Wary-5.5 seems not to have Nathan Wallpaper Setter installed by default.
It must be the wallpaper-setter by BK then, as I look into puppy_wary-5.5.sfs/usr/local/apps .

Will boot and check tomorrow or later today.
musher0 wrote:and truly, I have other fish to fry. Wink
Hello, Karl.

Don't you like fish? It's Holy Week, a good Christian is supposed to be fasting! :wink:

Oh, I know wary uses the rigid pwallpaper to set up the backdrop of the screen.

Some users might not know this: If a user wants to choose any picture located anywhere on the computer, (s)he is better off using the built-in background setter in ROX-Filer. See how-to illustrations below.


Posted: Mon 25 Mar 2013, 18:17
by Karl Godt
musher01 : Where did you get the wallpaper-0.6[.x].pet from ?

I have found the blog of BK by using google : Nathan's Wallpaper Setter 0.6
that led here : Nathan Wallpaper Setter -update
and on
there is a plus a .
/usr/local/bin/ppm shows two pets from the puppy-noarch repo in the Desktop part as
-noarch meaning no binaries but scripts and picts included .
Have dl the you mentioned and the three from Mik's thread,
diff -up them and there is not much of interest and apparently no binaries included,
probably a change from $IMAGE to $1 between 6.0 to 6.1 which might screw things if $1 gets passed to a function,

but have pet2tgz them all and tgz xzf them to diff them,
ran ./AppRun inside the 0.6.1- version directory and applied it on a pic dl from and it worked for me,
have no widescreen monitor though to test correctly.
There are some mismatches still for sometimes filename variables get doublequotes and sometimes not to act correctly with :SPACE: 's ; the default /usr/sbin/pwallpaper at least does not support spaces .

So there are few "Latest" wallpaper setters around, would be somehow cool if you could at least roughly remember where you got them from.

About fish : I don't hate fish, but seldom eat it. Fish can be smoked or put into vinegar, too, though that was not that was Jesus liked bound to that cross .. but Simon of Cyrene was told to bear the cross behind him, one gospels says .. maybe he stepped onto the purple cloth , they fell down and somehow suddenly there was some other guy dying for him ..

Posted: Tue 26 Mar 2013, 05:01
by musher0
Hello, Karl.

Well, there is a problem with PPM, in that 1) ibiblio is unavailable because it has "moved permanently", and 2) the other dl sites have their recursive analysis de-activated.

I'll try to access the sites manually.



Posted: Tue 26 Mar 2013, 05:16
by musher0
Hello, again.

Sorry for bringing this up, but Your test might be inconclusive, since it is a jpg file. ... lpaper.jpg

Have you tried with one or more *.png images ?



Posted: Tue 26 Mar 2013, 05:22
by musher0

This with wallpaper 6.1 dl'd directly from ...

I'll try to locate a 6.0 version and try again.


Posted: Tue 26 Mar 2013, 06:10
by musher0
Hello again.

In the meantime, one can revert to wallpaper-0.5.x and use this powerful workaround :

Code: Select all

# ~/my-applications/bin/
# musher0, March 26, 2013.
ln /usr/local/apps/Wallpaper /root/.config/
ln /usr/local/apps/Wallpaper /root/.config/
### 30 ###
This will create a "wallpaper" link in the right-click menu under jpg and png images. With this, you can go to any picture directory, make the pictures the biggest possible, and right-click on a picture and make it a "wallpaper" choice.

With these little links, you see a nice picture in any picture directory and you have the ability to make it a backdrop. This is actually more intuitive than the current offering, in my opinion.



Posted: Tue 26 Mar 2013, 06:12
by Karl Godt
extracted the version in a sandbox,
opened the .jpg in mtpaint and saved as .png and .gz9.png (without compression and with compressionlevel9) ,
ran ./AppRun and it worked for me,
also on the /usr/share/backgrounds/wary_stark.png .
No truncations detected.

Even in locale
export LC_ALL=fr_CA.UTF-8
and then it gives me
expr: non-numeric argument
/usr/sbin/background_reshape: line 59: [: -ge: unary operator expected
which did not matter anything , no empty files.

*SIDENOTE : WIZARDWIZARD->LANGUAGESETTING restarted X automatically without asking me to close all Apps or doing it later.
Unfortunately some code got worse, Wary-5.5 is no option for me :evil:

Posted: Tue 26 Mar 2013, 07:44
by wjaguar
Karl Godt wrote:Have
export LC_ALL=fr_CA.UTF-8
and then it gives me
expr: non-numeric argument
/usr/sbin/background_reshape: line 59: [: -ge: unary operator expected
This happens because the script expects decimal separator to be ".", and in some locales it is "," instead. And a chain reaction of unexpected behaviour follows.

To prevent these things from happening, it is best to put "export LC_NUMERIC=C" at the beginning of a script, if it's making any kind of floating-point calculations.

Posted: Tue 26 Mar 2013, 14:41
by musher0
wjaguar wrote:
Karl Godt wrote:Have
export LC_ALL=fr_CA.UTF-8
and then it gives me
expr: non-numeric argument
/usr/sbin/background_reshape: line 59: [: -ge: unary operator expected
This happens because the script expects decimal separator to be ".", and in some locales it is "," instead. And a chain reaction of unexpected behaviour follows.

To prevent these things from happening, it is best to put "export LC_NUMERIC=C" at the beginning of a script, if it's making any kind of floating-point calculations.
Edit, March 30th: 2 paragraphs removed (self-censored).

Luckily the French-from-France Toutou has almost solved the non- fr_FR keyboard problems at start-up. (...)(self-censored)



Posted: Tue 26 Mar 2013, 16:03
by musher0
in any case, i can confirm that this wallpaper utility works in wary 5.5 : ...

It doesn't show the pictures, but if you put links in the appropriate ROX-types (see above), it does.
You just have to think "picture to wallpaper" instead of "wallpaper from picture".

  • Make the links as indicated above.
    Browse to any picture folder.
    Right-click on the eye in the ROX-Filer, the thumbs will show.
    Click twice on the "+" icon to make the thumbs the largest.
    Find a nice picture.
    Right-click on it.
    Click on "wallpaper" in the sub-menu,
and voilĂ , you new wallpaper is in place.

Minor caveat:
For now,don't do anything involving a recycling of the PuppyPin directly.
At your earliest convenience, recycle the X server, and
the name of your picture will be properly registered in PuppyPin.



Posted: Tue 26 Mar 2013, 21:26
by Karl Godt
wjaguar wrote:
Karl Godt wrote:Have
export LC_ALL=fr_CA.UTF-8
and then it gives me
expr: non-numeric argument
/usr/sbin/background_reshape: line 59: [: -ge: unary operator expected
This happens because the script expects decimal separator to be ".", and in some locales it is "," instead. And a chain reaction of unexpected behavior follows.

To prevent these things from happening, it is best to put "export LC_NUMERIC=C" at the beginning of a script, if it's making any kind of floating-point calculations.
Yeah found myself in there. If somebody would have told me, i had submitted a patch therefore, i could not remember it anymore :oops: .

Anyway the script seems to work to backup screwed wallpapers :D .

BUT : Filename with spaces are not supported throughout the whole script,
and instead of math gymnastics by dc it seems to be able to achieve all this with ash and bash math without the need for a delimiter for cut.
These two shell gymnastics worked for me, too :

Code: Select all

# echo "123,456" | awk -F '[[:punct:]]' '{print $1}'
# echo "123,456" | sed 's%[[:punct:]].*%%'          
Have still a hard time to understand these LC_* and .UTF-8 things .
As far as I have read the docs, ".UTF-8" was always the extension syntax, dunno why some distros had used .utf8, .utf-8 or .UTF8 . UTF-8 seems not to work for German in Puppy-4.3.x .

Anyway, wjaguar : You are doing a great job on mtpaint. Thanks muchly for it !

Posted: Wed 27 Mar 2013, 01:42
by musher0
Hello, all.

Sorry for the emotional outburst earlier today.

I've checked all versions 0.6.x of Wallpaper and the 01micko's "simple wallpaper seter" in wary 5.5 and they all have the same *.png problem. As to pwallpaper, you're out of luck if you want a backfdrop that's not in /usr/share/backgrounds.

If I understand correctly, you're saying it's a problem with the background-reshape script, that interprets decimals wrongly. I looked at BK's code : isn't there a way to make that dc calculator use rounded numbers ? Or use another console calculator utility that does ?

Just a thought. BFN.


Posted: Wed 27 Mar 2013, 01:49
by 01micko
Karl, your patch is in slacko:-

Code: Select all

#Barry Kauler 2009
#the background image is at /usr/share/backgrounds/default.jpg
#this may have the wrong dimensions to suit either a 'normal' or a 'widescreen' monitor.
#for now, keep this simple, assume image is suitable for normal screen, truncate vertically
#if widescreen.
#v424 fix maths.
#v424 move ORIGINAL-* images to /usr/share/backgrounds_original
#110831 support png images.
#111013 Karl Godt: 'dc' can return , instead of . in numeric values, for non-english locale.

export LANG=C #111013 fix for 'dc'.

#accept optional image file as passed param...
[ -f /usr/share/backgrounds/default.png ] && IMAGEFILE="/usr/share/backgrounds/default.png"
[ -f /usr/share/backgrounds/default.jpg ] && IMAGEFILE="/usr/share/backgrounds/default.jpg"
[ $1 ] && IMAGEFILE="$1"
[ "$IMAGEFILE" = "" ] && exit

#v423 precaution, if someone has chosen the backup original...
[ "`echo -n "$IMAGEFILE" | grep 'ORIGINAL'`" != "" ] && exit

mkdir -p "${IMAGEPATH}_original" #v424
IMAGEEXT="`echo -n "$IMAGEBASE" | rev | cut -f 1 -d '.' | rev`"

#[ "$IMAGEEXT" != "jpg" ] && [ "$IMAGEEXT" != "jpeg" ] && [ "$IMAGEEXT" != "JPG" ] && [ "$IMAGEEXT" != "JPEG" ] && exit
case $IMAGEEXT in
 jpg|jpeg|JPG|JPEG) IMAGEEXT='jpg' ;;
 png|PNG) IMAGEEXT='png' ;;
 *) exit ;;

#first boot, maybe trying different video modes, so this causes reset each time...
if [ ! -f ${IMAGEPATH}_original/ORIGINAL-${IMAGEBASE} ];then #v424
 cp -f ${IMAGEPATH}_original/ORIGINAL-${IMAGEBASE} ${IMAGEFILE} #restore. v424

if [ "$IMAGEEXT" = "jpg" ];then
 IMAGEDIMS="`jpegtopnm ${IMAGEFILE} 2>/dev/null | pamfile 2>&1 | grep 'stdin:' | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 2 -d ',' | cut -f 2,4 -d ' '`" #ex: 1200 800
 IMAGEDIMS="`pngtopnm ${IMAGEFILE} 2>/dev/null | pamfile 2>&1 | grep 'stdin:' | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 2 -d ',' | cut -f 2,4 -d ' '`" #ex: 1200 800
IMAGEHORIZ=`echo -n "$IMAGEDIMS" | cut -f 1 -d ' '`
IMAGEVERT=`echo -n "$IMAGEDIMS" | cut -f 2 -d ' '`

ROOTDIMS="`xwininfo -root | grep ' \-geometry ' | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 3 -d ' ' | cut -f 1 -d '+' | tr 'x' ' '`"
ROOTHORIZ=`echo -n "$ROOTDIMS" | cut -f 1 -d ' '`
ROOTVERT=`echo -n "$ROOTDIMS" | cut -f 2 -d ' '`

RATIOIMAGE=`dc $IMAGEHORIZ $IMAGEVERT div 100 mul p | cut -f 1 -d '.'`
RATIOROOT=`dc $ROOTHORIZ $ROOTVERT div 100 mul p | cut -f 1 -d '.'`
xRATIOIMAGE=`expr $RATIOIMAGE + 5` #allow for roundoff errors.
[ $xRATIOIMAGE -ge $RATIOROOT ] && exit

#v423 some math gymnastics involved here...
NEWVERT=`dc $IMAGEHORIZ $ROOTHORIZ div $NEWIMGVERTSCALED mul p | cut -f 1 -d '.'` #v424 fix.


#this method only cuts off the bottom of image...
#if [ $xNEWVERT -lt $IMAGEVERT ];then
# jpegtopnm ${IMAGEFILE} | pamdice -height=${NEWVERT} -outstem=/root/out #creates out_0_0.ppm
# [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit
# pnmtojpeg -quality=85 out_0_0.ppm > ${IMAGEFILE}
# rm -f /root/out_*.ppm

#this method cuts equal amount from top and bottom...
if [ $NEWVERT -lt $IMAGEVERT ];then #precaution
 [ "`which pnmcut`" != "" ] && PAMCUT="pnmcut" #older netpbm.
 TOP=`expr $CUTVERT \/ 2`
# jpegtopnm ${IMAGEPATH}_original/ORIGINAL-${IMAGEBASE} | ${PAMCUT} -left=0 -right=${IMAGEHORIZ} -top=${TOP} -bottom=${BOTTOM} | pnmtojpeg -quality=85 > ${IMAGEFILE}
 if [ "$IMAGEEXT" = "jpg" ];then
  jpegtopnm ${IMAGEPATH}_original/ORIGINAL-${IMAGEBASE} | ${PAMCUT} -left=0 -top=${TOP} -bottom=${BOTTOM} | pnmtojpeg -quality=85 > ${IMAGEFILE}
  pngtopnm ${IMAGEPATH}_original/ORIGINAL-${IMAGEBASE} | ${PAMCUT} -left=0 -top=${TOP} -bottom=${BOTTOM} | pnmtopng > ${IMAGEFILE}


Christian.. is it not the same in Wary?

As a test

Get a png in root and make sure it is 4*3 aspect, or close enough. Then run

Code: Select all

background_reshape nameofpic.png
What happens?

Posted: Wed 27 Mar 2013, 02:26
by musher0
No problems with Wallpaper 0.6.2 in good old dpup 485... which uses a iso locale, iso-8859-1.
Vv-ee-rr-yy strange...