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How to Change Toolbar Font Size in SeaMonkey 2.16? (Solved)

Posted: Mon 01 Apr 2013, 05:06
by Sky Aisling

Does anyone know how to change toolbar font size in Seamonkey 2.16.2?

Changing values in Preferences/Appearance/Fonts does not affect the font of the toolbars.

The fonts are tiny, weeny no matter what pixel size or type face is selected.
I've posted on the Mozilla forum also, but, so far nothing ...

Here is the machine and OS:
Toshiba Satellite P10-s429 (with old bios)
512 mg RAM, screen resolution 1280x800
Puppy-Linux 431 frugally installed on HDD
Seamonkey 2.16.2 loaded as an .sfs on HDD

Thank you in advance of your suggestions.

Posted: Mon 01 Apr 2013, 05:19
by Makoto
One 'easy' way to do it is to install the Theme Font & Size Changer extension. That'll allow you to modify aspects of the interface, like the font used, size, style, etc.

The extension has a tendency to push minor updates semi-often, though, and will also open a new page every time it updates (I haven't found a way to disable this, yet). :(

How to Change Toolbar Font Size in SeaMonkey 2.16.2?

Posted: Mon 01 Apr 2013, 16:35
by Sky Aisling
Thanks, Makoto,
No worry about updates...
Darn! I was all excited about an easy fix.
Maybe if I go back a few versions.
Then again they'll probably change to a newer version in a week or so!

Posted: Mon 01 Apr 2013, 17:16
by Makoto
It should work; I'm using that version now. just seems to be weird when it comes to Seamonkey, for some reason. If it isn't detecting Seamonkey 2 as Firefox 2, it's behaving like that.

Try clicking on the + Add to Seamonkey button, and then Install Anyway in the bubble that pops up. Or right-click on the + Add to Seamonkey button, and select Save Link Target from the menu, then drag the .xpi file onto the browser window.

It works on this end, though I didn't complete the process, because I already have it installed.
Edit: Tried removing the extension and completing the install, and it worked without issue.

How to Change Toolbar Font Size in SeaMonkey 2.16.2?

Posted: Mon 01 Apr 2013, 20:17
by Sky Aisling
Here is what I am getting with *Install Anyway*

The Theme and Font Changer icon will move to a toolbar of my choice but will not activate settings panel.
(The cursor stays as a 'hand' not a 'pointer'.)

Note: I tried
Or right-click on the + Add to Seamonkey button, and select Save Link Target from the menu, then drag the .xpi file onto the browser window.

I put the download into *my-applications*. An open box showed, but, I was stuck on what to do with the open box.
So, I deleted the download then went to *install anyway*.

Posted: Mon 01 Apr 2013, 21:32
by Makoto
Have you tried restarting Seamonkey? Your system?
(Sometimes, I've seen reports that something might inadvertently start working after 2-3 restarts (of Seamonkey/Firefox). Never had it happen to me, though.)
I don't know what would cause it not to work... unless it was conflicting somehow with another extension, or running into something bogging down RAM/CPU usage.

If you drag an extension's .xpi file onto the main part of the browser window, you should get an install dialog, with the Install button becoming available after a few seconds (this is done by default to prevent accidental or drive-by extension installing), with the countdown appearing in the button.

How to Change Toolbar Font Size in SeaMonkey 2.16.2?[SOLVED]

Posted: Mon 01 Apr 2013, 22:03
by Sky Aisling
Got it, Makoto!
Yes, thank you, I powered off the machine then brought it back up and Theme and Font Size Changer settings panel activated per the instructions from the Add-ons manager page.

Whew! This machine is close to being ready to give to a person much in need of access to the net.

Thank you again for your clear and quick responses.


Posted: Tue 02 Apr 2013, 03:23
by Makoto
Glad I could be of some small help. :)