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Tipsy Puppy 4.1.3 Still Barking here (Game ISO )

Posted: Tue 09 Apr 2013, 22:29
by bill
Tipsy Puppy. It's fast and cuddly at the time, can boot off a USB stick and likes to play games, including Windows games. Will you take it home?
User Name Puppy
Password Linux

Posted: Fri 12 Apr 2013, 00:59
by Eldon
That's a bit vague but I'll download it and try it out.

It's a bit larger so I assume you've added some nice stuff. But just for everyone else considering downloading I want to see some details on this.

Is it bigger because wine is included or?

Based on Slacko(slackware compatible) or Lucid, Precise etc.?

Any other info, screenshots etc.?

Thanks regardless for taking the time to do this and to share!

Tipsy Puppy 4.1.3 Still Barking here (Game ISO )

Posted: Fri 12 Apr 2013, 03:00
by bill
Sorry Eldon,but I really know nothing about Tipsy Puppy but decided to post the link to it for others to give it a try,if they desired.The man responsible for this offering is P.R.Gomez and here is where I started my search and will give you more info about Tipsy Puppy.

Posted: Fri 12 Apr 2013, 06:10
by Eldon
Looks nice. XFCE window manager, and WINE included and looks like compiz from the screenshots. Says it's mostly derived from NOP(Nearly Office Puppy) I still haven't tried it but I will today or tomorrow. Thanks again!

Posted: Fri 12 Apr 2013, 07:05
by James C

Tipsy Puppy 4.1.3 Still Barking here (Game ISO )

Posted: Sat 13 Apr 2013, 00:12
by bill
Since I am limited on dialup at the moment,I went to a "Golden Arches aka McDonalds Hotspot" and downloaded Tipsy Puppy 431(NOP),and burned it.Pleased to announce to have it booting.Now to learn the nuts and bolts and exactly how to run Quake.. cheers

Tipsy Puppy 4.1.3 Still Barking here (Game ISO )

Posted: Sat 13 Apr 2013, 17:48
by bill
Just thought I would alleviate any doubts about Tipsy Puppy 413 working as promoted,rest assured,it does on my box anyway.Just happened to find Quake2 that I have had for years ,installed to memory stick . Nice job P.R.Gomez.Should I get back on broadband ,I may be searching for those cheeky little 9 and 10 year olds ,that used to
abuse me ,consistently :cry: ...... :lol: