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Playing RealAudio and RealVideo with Gxine

Posted: Sat 25 Jun 2005, 18:31
by Bruce B
I was reading that some users are not able to play RealAudio and/or RealVideo files with Gxine.

Here is a test page to see if you can:

If you cannot play these clips, please post. I will try and reconstruct specifically what I did to make them play, and write up a little How-To.

Posted: Sun 26 Jun 2005, 02:21
by papaschtroumpf
See this thread: ... real+audio

I'm getting those missing library errors using the 1.0.3 liveCD

I haven't maed any attempt at fixing things yet. I was leaning towards getting rid of Xine altogether and installing mplayer and its codec collection but I haven't really gotten to worry about multimedia yet.

Posted: Sun 26 Jun 2005, 04:44
by Bruce B
Fortunately, it is not an either/or situation. You can leave Gxine as-is and install Mplayer. I think that would be the best way to do it.

Gxine is not big, but Mplayer with all the codecs is fairly big, but IMO worth it.

Posted: Sun 26 Jun 2005, 15:31
by Walt H
Will those codecs work with Gxine itself? Where would/should they be placed? I've never had much luck getting mplayer to work for me. (I'm sure it's operator error, though :) ) Thanks.

Posted: Sun 26 Jun 2005, 17:05
by GuestToo
the codecs should work for gxine or mplayer

Puppy's codecs are in /usr/lib/win32/

there are docs in the codec tar files

Posted: Sun 26 Jun 2005, 22:53
by Walt H
GuestToo wrote:the codecs should work for gxine or mplayer

Puppy's codecs are in /usr/lib/win32/

there are docs in the codec tar files
Am I correct in reading this as meaning that that directory is where the codecs should be untarred to after I download them? Is there anything I need to do in order to get Gxine to recognize them once they are in that directory? (The docs you spoke of probably have that answer, am I right?) Thanks.

Posted: Mon 27 Jun 2005, 21:40
by Guest
basically, you unzip the codecs file ... the codec files should be in there somewhere, files like, QuickTime.qts, VDODEC32.dll, etc etc etc ... just copy or move all those files to /usr/lib/win32/ (or they can be symlinked)


Posted: Tue 28 Jun 2005, 10:13
by menno
If you have unziped the file in a directory , than change the config file so it point to the directory in wich your have all your codecs files .
The config is in /root/.gxine . Search in it for 'codec.real_codecs_path:' change it to your codec path and do the same to 'codec.win32_path:' .
The TV referencing in Gxine are most of them out of time , because they have new adresses . Try to find the most actual adresses .
Sometimes it says that a protocal is not include , there is some plugin missing , try to type the adres directly into gxine this mostly works .

Get Real

Posted: Tue 28 Jun 2005, 11:47
by Lobster
The Codecs will be available as a Pupget in Puppy 1.04

Almost there

Posted: Thu 30 Jun 2005, 04:18
by klhrevolutionist
Ya, I went to and tried to listen in real format and it
was playing but it sounded ? squiggly? or maybe choppy is the word
If anyone knows how to fix please don't hesitate

Re: Almost there

Posted: Fri 01 Jul 2005, 01:55
by Bruce B
klhrevolutionist wrote:Ya, I went to and tried to listen in real format and it
was playing but it sounded ? squiggly? or maybe choppy is the word
If anyone knows how to fix please don't hesitate
I tested it with Gxine and it didn't work well - just junk.

I then tested it with RealPlayer and it worked fine.

Posted: Fri 01 Jul 2005, 02:49
by Bruce B
Here is how I fixed Firefox so it opens with RealPlayer instead of Gxine at the site you had trouble with.

Step 1
  • Add this line to /etc/profile
    export HELIX_LIBS=/usr/local/RealPlayer
    (presuming that is your actual path, it is the default)
Step 2
  • Find the file mimetypes.rdf in a /root/.mozilla subdirectory
    Edit these lines to read as follows:
    • RDF:Description RDF:about="urn:mimetype:handler:audio/x-pn-realaudio"
Step 3
  • Go back to the site
    click on Listen Live
    on the next page tell it you want Realone
    when the dialog comes up navigate to the location of realplay, select it
    firefox will save this option, so next time it will be easier
    also, you can make it permanent with the dialog box if you want, but it will use realplayer on all sites

Can I try the missing codecs also in 1.0.3 bare bones?

Posted: Tue 12 Jul 2005, 09:01
by PeterSieg
Hi, can I get the missing codecs somewhere (the one that Barry will make
a Pupget tar ball for 1.0.4)?

I really would like to try them in 1.0.3 bare bones (Gxine installed as alien package)...


BTW: Will 1.0.4 also get an update url list/menu entrys for some radio/TV
stations? Probably some function to get an updated station list from somewhere auto installed in Puppy?

Posted: Tue 12 Jul 2005, 09:39
by BarryK
I just took the codecs out of Vector, from /usr/lib/win32/ I think.
You can also get them from the mPlayer site.