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An honest search engine is begged for.

Posted: Sat 01 Jun 2013, 03:12
by boof
Call me ignorant or foolish, but I get fed up with MB-wasting advertizing and priority paid responses on search engines, too often they're spelling mismatches to what I'm really seeking, and I get tired of remembering/doing the extra clicks/keystrokes to select exact match. It's ergonomically bad, like prolonged intense use of steeply inclined touchscreens.

I would happily pay to get an unbiased general search engine that does what it's told, not what someone else thinks I might want. Especially if I could stickilly program the response area across multiple logins/uses. It would save SO much time & effort. Who knows, I might actually find what I'm looking for more often.

Posted: Mon 03 Jun 2013, 00:45
by musher0
I'll second that motion.


Posted: Mon 03 Jun 2013, 02:18
by p310don
Having always used Google to find things, I have become increasingly aware of the fact that it is advertising funded, and directed for the advertisers.

I recently have been using DuckDuckGo and have found some new pages about the same topics that Google does not find.

I don't know if this is exactly what you're looking for, but worth a look

Posted: Mon 03 Jun 2013, 03:38
by rokytnji

Posted: Mon 03 Jun 2013, 06:17
by nooby
boof you have put this on Additional Software (PETs, n' stuff) » REQUESTS

but you seems to realize that any web search has to be on many servers
outside your Puppy Linux OS so to ask the Developers reading here
in Additional Software (PETs, n' stuff) » REQUESTS
do try to satisfy your request seems very odd to me.

I would have placed it in Off topic. It has nothing to do with Puppy OS.

Apart from that it is easy to agree with you. What puppy devs
would be able to improve would be search withing the OS
or on the HardDisk or on USB?

Posted: Mon 03 Jun 2013, 15:14
by musher0
And another without ads:


Granted, it is not a software request per se. But it can be considered as a request for a simple script, something like:

Code: Select all

# Alternate search engines
# /root/my-applications/bin/
# Save this script in folder /root/my-applications/bin
# under the name, and make
# executable by going into a console and 
# issuing the command:
# chmod ug+rwx /root/my-applications/bin/
# defaultbrowser
# OR
# defaultbrowser
# OR
# defaultbrowser
# Remove the "#" sign in front of the one you prefer
# to activate it. Or, if you want all three:
# defaultbrowser
# Again remove the "#" sign in front of the line if you want this.
The above script will allow you access to your preferred alternate
search engine directly, by clicking on the name of the script.

You can also make bookmarks for those search engines in your browser (obviously).



Posted: Tue 04 Jun 2013, 03:37
by tallboy
boof wrote:I would happily pay to get an unbiased general search engine that does what it's told, not what someone else thinks I might want.
The sad thing is, that not many people want to pay for it! And besides, whenever some brilliant but broke students come up with a stroke of genious, some rich but threatened company give them some billions they can't refuse, and then make the brilliant program go up in smoke... :shock:

I'm tired of all Google's attempts to rewrite my query, and then not answer it, even when encasing the query in " ". Even if you search on specific data for a named product from a known producer, and have all of it included in a query, they present a list of retailers or other stupid price-comparison sites as first choice. I hate it!


Re: An honest search engine is begged for.

Posted: Tue 04 Jun 2013, 03:59
by Barkin
boof wrote:... I get fed up with MB-wasting advertizing and priority paid responses on search engines,
FireFox browser with the addon Adblockplus stops most of that.
boof wrote:... too often they're spelling mismatches to what I'm really seeking.
Google has a "verbatim" mode, which won't return approximate matches to your search terms ...

An honest search engine is begged for.

Posted: Tue 04 Jun 2013, 05:34
by Monsie

One option is to use Google search engine without Google Instant:

See my thread over here for further information on enabling this by default in SeaMonkey.

Hope this helps,