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I am thinking of installing Puppy Linux

Posted: Fri 21 Jun 2013, 07:04
by swkang7229
My Laptop is kinda old [sens x50]
It has Windows xp on it and I heard xp is gonna no longer be supported.
so I was looking for light-weighted linux.
My laptop has Pentium M 1.6ghz processor and 2gb RAM
I think Ubuntu is a bit heavy for this laptop
How about Puppy Linux??

Posted: Fri 21 Jun 2013, 07:36
by Dewbie
Your laptop has enough power to run most Puppy Linux versions.

install it already

Posted: Fri 21 Jun 2013, 09:31
by session
One of the cool things about Puppy is how versatile its installation is. A lot of Linux distributions run live so that you can try them before you commit, but with Puppy you can run a fast usable system indefinitely from within Windows, with no loss of functionality.

Puppy is easy (and friendly) to use for those who are new to Linux, but unlike, say, Gnome, it has a kind of homely charm that encourages tinkering and learning. Plus, the community is quite excellent...

Posted: Sat 22 Jun 2013, 01:56
by Hotdog

Welcome to the Puppy forum! I run Puppy 5.2.8 in a full hard drive installation on a machine roughly equivalent to yours. Puppy has handled all my work since version 5.1.1. It gets used for spreadsheets and correspondence with LibreOffice, video editing with Cinelerra, music creation and editing with Rosegarden, Qsynth, JACK and TuxGuitar, HTML editing with Bluefish, book layout with Lyx, image editing with GIMP and mapping with Navit. Before Puppy I used Fedora then CentOS. Now that I have found that Puppy is both lightweight and robust, I no longer have a machine with either Fedora nor CentOS.

Give Puppy a trial run. There are several good versions to choose from and multiple ways to run them even from a bootable CD or USB stick with no installation required.

Glad to have you in the community!

Re: I am thinking of installing Puppy Linux

Posted: Sat 22 Jun 2013, 03:05
by mcewanw
swkang7229 wrote:My Laptop is kinda old [sens x50]

My laptop has Pentium M 1.6ghz processor and 2gb RAM
That seems to be the same processor as on my main laptop and the machine I do my development work on (but you have twice the RAM...). If it is the same processor, you can't use just any Puppy; you need to use one that provides a non-PAE kernel. With 2gb RAM you almost certainly wont need a swap partition (which would only slow things down anyway). I don't use a swap partition on my 1 Gb RAM machine and all is fine for most anything I do.

Because the CPU is relatively slow, I ended up settling on Puppy Slacko 533 on my similar laptop - I found that fast enough to play fullscreen youtube videos. Of course some of that will also depend on your graphics card and driver (I'm just using Slacko533 out of the box without any special accelerated graphics driver).

A more recent non-PAE puppy will also run fine but, if like my machine, your CPU won't quite manage to run youtube videos fullscreen without stuttering (CPU will be 100% in its attempt in that case).

I also have windows XP on this old lappy. It is all on an ntfs partition and I run Slacko533 in a frugal install there.

Later on you may want to save some pupsave space once you are familiar with Puppy or if you already have Linux experience. I use symbolic links from /root to /mnt/home/.mozilla and to /mnt/home/.wine and also to /mnt/home/.Skype, which all work fine even though my /mnt/home is on an ntfs partition (also works if partition format is FAT32; I also have a usb frugal install like that, which is handy since MS windows machine can read any files on there too). You can't, however, put symlinks on ntfs partitions themselves (since ntfs doesn't use that concept). ... 2080574702