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Need MIDI player for Puppy Lupu 528-005 [Solved]

Posted: Tue 02 Jul 2013, 13:47
by nooby
Edit solved due to using the sfs by RSH se his post further down
on how to download it. I used Seaside sfsexec to start it

I am Trying to use Timidity but fail to get it to work
but fail to get it to work. Is timitidy the only one for Puppy?

Posted: Wed 03 Jul 2013, 19:34
by Hotdog
nooby, do you get any response at all from typing "timidity" on the command line? I am using Puppy 5.2.8 (without the -005) and running "" (the exact name of my .pet file) which works well here. I do not remember where it came from. When I find the download location I'll post it here.

Posted: Wed 03 Jul 2013, 19:40
by Semme
In Lucids repo >> v2.13.2-37. As Hotdog suggested (and YOU should know) >> from a shell?

Posted: Wed 03 Jul 2013, 19:49
by Hotdog
nooby, the download location for the Timidity that I use is: ... You will need a soundfont also. I am currently using the Fluid Soundfonts. A smaller soundfont but still good quality is eawpats downloadable at: ... It is a good first choice to get your setup working.

Posted: Wed 03 Jul 2013, 21:19
by R-S-H
Hi nooby.

This file: LP2_TiMidity2130.sfs should also work in your Lupu version.

Posted: Thu 04 Jul 2013, 07:05
by nooby
Maybe I lack the sound fonts then. Nothing happens and no sound.
So I need to know how one add those sound fonts then.

I am totally lost on how one do such adding.
You install a pet with what name? Which name?

But I ahve found this one Make music with Fatdog64!
or what RSH suggests may work for me too. I am on a HP Desktop
with AMD processor if that is important 64bit.

I will test the LP2_TiMidity2130.sfs

But does that LP point to that it only works if one have your puppy?
I had that impression some months ago but if you have tested I test too :)

Thanks for all feedback I have to do some testing to see what works.

Posted: Thu 04 Jul 2013, 12:37
by nooby
RSH you made my day.
The LP" sfs worked right out of the box.

I got your LP2 going from scratch but
the default volume is set too low and
has a huge delay when one try to set it higher.

So can one edit some file and set the volume higher from start.
Very annoying it is too low and then take a very long time to respond
when one tell it to play louder. Apart from that super duper.

Much appreciated you shared that sfs.

Posted: Thu 04 Jul 2013, 12:58
by R-S-H
Hi nooby.

Yes, I do also have here this delay when increasing the volume in TiMidity. Search for a solution was not successful. There are three config files for TiMidity but no option to set the volume or to reduce the delay.

Seems, we have to live with that until one makes a newer version for Puppy including such options...

Btw: most of the LP2_xxx.sfs files should work in any Lupu - out of the box - but, in some SFS files one needs to edit the .desktop file to get a menu entry (f.e. the Jack Audio Programs, some Office Suites etc.)!


Posted: Thu 04 Jul 2013, 13:15
by R-S-H
Addition to post above
nnoby wrote:But does that LP point to that it only works if one have your puppy?

The Prefix LP2_ shows only that the SFS is converted to the SFS P.L.U.S. format, which doesn't mean the filesystem inside is converted.

It means that it has some additional directories and (maybe) some files in there. These files are read out by the SFS P.L.U.S. RunScripts and makes the RunScript able to load dependencies of the main SFS automatically.

Example: the LP2_LazarusFPCSuite.sfs loads automatically the LP2_DevX.sfs because the LP2_DevX.sfs is defined as a dependency for the LP2_LazarusFPCSuite.sfs inside the LP2_LazarusFPCSuite.sfs.

That's just all on the LP2_ Prefix.


Posted: Thu 04 Jul 2013, 13:26
by Semme
Actually- this may need to be placed in /etc/timidity for default volume control. Yes Noobs :wink: I know- create it!

Posted: Thu 04 Jul 2013, 15:17
by R-S-H
Semme wrote:Actually- this may need to be placed in /etc/timidity for default volume control. Yes Noobs :wink: I know- create it!

Sorry to say, but to put this into /etc/timidity doesn't change anything. Do you have some more information to offer, how to set this up?



Posted: Thu 04 Jul 2013, 16:50
by nooby
RSH when you use it are the volume way down low too? Maybe one third
or even lower? Suppose the volume would had 10 levels then on the graph
it looks way down to 3 or something. When I move it to 7 then it take some
5 seconds before it actually do get louder.

Was it like that when you compiled it too or did the Developer set it like that
and you could not do anything about it? I love that you helped me
but it is annoying to have to play each music file twice :) First with so low
volume it barely is audible and then with normal volume.

The huge improvement over the older Timitidy is that that one could not stop the music. If one click the wrong file and it is 7 minutes long one have to
do something else until it shut down. Now this new one it shut down isntantly wwhen I want it to.

Posted: Thu 04 Jul 2013, 17:49
by Semme
R-S-H.. since, for the moment, Nooby's addressing you and your sfs, I'll play observant bystander..

Posted: Thu 04 Jul 2013, 22:50
by R-S-H
Hi nooby.

Yes, the volume slider is set low. But it's still enough here, to increase the main volume in retrovol or alsamixer.

I have downloaded the .pet posted above and installed in LazY Puppy - I did not add any sound fonts. Then I right-clicked a .mid file and set execute action to timidity using the following code

Code: Select all

timidity --volume=100 --drum-power=100 "$@"
It works out of the box and the volume is remarkable increased (not too much but noticeable).

Unfortunately this seems not to have a GUI, so I don't want to make an SFS of this.

xhippo can be used to control midi playing in timidity

Posted: Thu 04 Jul 2013, 23:26
by mcewanw
When you already have timidity installed on your system you can use xhippo audio/video player to control the midi playing (stop, start, pause etc):

Currently, /usr/local/etc/xhippo.config has the following entry it uses to recognise midi file extension and play with timidity. You could modify that to contain extra parameters as and when required. If you post the best parameters to use I'll upload the change in the next dotpet release for xhippo:

Code: Select all


Posted: Thu 04 Jul 2013, 23:48
by Semme
R-S-H, --volume=x can be bumped beyond a hundred. In Nooby's case- 300 to 400 should suffice.

This below in the desktop file:

Code: Select all

Exec=timidity -igt --volume=400 --drum-power=100

Posted: Thu 04 Jul 2013, 23:51
by R-S-H
Ah, ok. Thanks.

I did not see such information since the --help command is talking about to use percentage for volume and drum power settings - so, I thought 100% is maximum, logically. :lol:

Btw.: the -igt command did not work here on the .pet posted above. It is default in my SFS and shows the GUI.

Posted: Fri 05 Jul 2013, 02:41
by Semme
Ah, I was using :lol: reverse logic. :wink:

As for -igt.. you may not be running 528.


Furthermore, I'd like to explore the option mcewanw introduced..

Posted: Fri 05 Jul 2013, 02:54
by R-S-H
Semme wrote:As for -igt.. you may not be running 528.
Yes, I do!

LazY Puppy is based on Lucid Puppy 528-004.
Semme wrote:Ah, I was using :lol: reverse logic. :wink: .
At first I thought it could be increased up to 127 since the midi numbers and parameters usually do go from 0 to 127. But then I read the percentage hint - maybe they do use 1000er steps for 100%?

Posted: Fri 05 Jul 2013, 03:15
by R-S-H

Noobie, this is for you.

I have found a solution to use a config file to start timidity with the wanted volume. Just need to write a timidity-wrapper and to rebuild the SFS. When done, I will upload a new timidity SFS.