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remastering etiquette

Posted: Thu 11 Jul 2013, 03:25
by TitaniaBelf

i would just like to ask what is the situation if i want to use someone elses puppy for the base of my own release

are we all ok with this?
what should i do before publishing this remaster?

Posted: Thu 11 Jul 2013, 05:14
by R-S-H

I did vote for YES and I mean that!

But please, don't use its Name LazY Puppy. Just rename it and give information on what it is based as I did here (the LazY Puppy Icon)

A German user did this already. He is a teacher on a public school and has installed his version of LazY Puppy - now called PhyTech-LazY - on 20 Computers at his school. He uses it in school teaching classes from 7 to 10.


Posted: Thu 11 Jul 2013, 05:17
by musher0
Hello, TitaniaBelf.

The proper way to do that is by stating your source in the introduction message.

Something like:
"This Puppy derivative is based on (slacko, precise, wary, ...whatever, plus the version number).
I added this (include your list) and
removed that (again a little list).

As compared to the original,
This puppy derivative puts the emphasis on ........ (writing, music, games, ...whatever)
The advantage of this derivative is that it .... (state your objective, what your Puppy does differently)."

Same approach if you edit or alter a program or script, although in this case you don't need to be as wordy.

You can word it any way you like, but you have to mention your source.
It's all opensource, but if you don't mention your sources, your reputation will go down the drain.
The Linux community is a very generous one, but it is quite intolerant of copyright thieves.

Give credit where credit is due, and everything should be fine.

Best regards.


Posted: Thu 11 Jul 2013, 08:04
by simargl

Posted: Thu 11 Jul 2013, 16:28
by R-S-H
musher0 wrote:The proper way to do that is by stating your source in the introduction message.
musher0 wrote:Same approach if you edit or alter a program or script, although in this case you don't need to be as wordy.
simargl wrote:But, if you make open source software prepare yourself for occasional or frequent rip-offs,
some people will just quietly follow you, take parts of your operating system and
your ideas, start implementing similar or exatctly the same things
denying you have anything to do with it.
If you do search for a post of RSH (which was my previous account) you'll find a link in its signature to almost all of my programs.

You are allowed:

- to develop them
- to rename them
- to remove my name from the scripts code

because I don't really care on that and I'm currently totally unable to develop anything else than my private Puppy-Transformer, which makes me able to create a new LazY Puppy from every else published Puppy Version - except FatDog64 - within less than a hour!

Do what you want.

It is already (in a similar way) done by ASRI education (Puppy Online Updater), don570 (build_gettext) and der-schutzhund (PhyTech-LazY)

Have fun doing this...


a puppy for wow

Posted: Thu 11 Jul 2013, 16:35
by TitaniaBelf
i want to help promote a new wow server and help secure our players account details with a bullet proof and easily cleaned os

the idea is to provide a release of linux with everything that is needed to log in and play
plan is to pick a copy of puppy that has a large user base and focus on maintaining a clone ... the only enhancements that are planned are

long term support and updates until wow is no longer played!
precompiled graphics drivers included
all bugfixes applied
enhanced security eg use a hosts file custom wine install (z removed!)
comodo antivirus
noob setup guide added
connection guide added
new wallpapers

to make a small enough distro the wow client which is usually 20gb will be provided by blizzards free streaming installer which is based on bittorrent MIT code and included as a zip - unaltered except for one change to a config file and the addition of a readme

full credit is to be given to the initial distro to blizzard and to any other closed sources

ideas comments?

Posted: Thu 11 Jul 2013, 16:39
by James C
Q: May I release my own distro based on Puppy?


Yes. One basic request is that you choose a name for your distro that provides sufficient "product differentiation" from "Puppy", "Puppy Linux" and "PuppyOS". There is a thread on my News Blog that elaborates on this:
How to name your Puppy distro. ... ppy_distro
Some acceptable names already in use are "GrafPup", "MeanPup" and "Hacao Linux". There is even "Toutou Linux", which is the French word for "puppy".

Another request is that your project site fully acknowledge myself, Barry Kauler, as the original developer and current maintainer of Puppy and there must be a link to my website,, and to the community site

Posted: Fri 12 Jul 2013, 23:16
by Karl Godt
wow : Is it World Of Warcraft ?

yes runs well

Posted: Wed 17 Jul 2013, 13:01
by TitaniaBelf
Karl Godt wrote:wow : Is it World Of Warcraft ?

expected an outcry... got the thumbs up!

Posted: Wed 17 Jul 2013, 13:16
by TitaniaBelf
ty for the replies.. its clear that the community as a whole has no problem with this so ... more power to you!

for myself - this has been a huge learning experience - im gonna chat with the ppl responsible for the base distro before i go ahead.

: )


Posted: Thu 18 Jul 2013, 05:11
by kros54

Re: yes runs well

Posted: Thu 18 Jul 2013, 19:12
by RetroTechGuy
TitaniaBelf wrote:
Karl Godt wrote:wow : Is it World Of Warcraft ?
So it'll be WarPup, eh?... :wink: