Setup codeblocks, wxwidget and compile a wxwidget project

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Setup codeblocks, wxwidget and compile a wxwidget project

#1 Post by snayak »

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0. Download wxWidgets and CodeBlocks
#mkdir development
#cp wxGTK-2.8.12.tar.gz codeblocks_12.11-1.tar.gz development/

1. Compile and install wxWidgets
#cd development/
#tar -xvzf wxGTK-2.8.12.tar.gz
#cd wxGTK-2.8.12
#mkdir build_gtk2_shared_nomonolithic_unicode_release
#cd build_gtk2_shared_nomonolithic_unicode_release
#../configure --enable-xrc --enable-unicode
#new2dir make install
#mksquashfs wxGTK-2.8.12-x86_64 wxGTK-2.8.12-x86_64.sfs -noappend
#dir2pet wxGTK-2.8.12-x86_64

2. Compile and install CodeBlocks
#cd development/
#tar -xvzf codeblocks_12.11-1.tar.gz
#cd codeblocks-12.11release8629/
#mkdir my_cb_build
#cd my_cb_build/
#./configure --with-contrib-plugins=Cccc,wxsmith
#new2dir make install
#mksquashfs codeblocks-12.11release8629-x86_64 codeblocks-12.11release8629-x86_64.sfs -noappend
#dir2pet codeblocks-12.11release8629-x86_64

3. copy the sample program folder 'widgets' (.../wxGTK-2.8.12/samples/widgets) to /root/development
4. inside /root/development/widgets, keep only *.cpp, *.h files and 'icons' folder; delete rest including hidden folders if any
5. copy sample.xpm file from .../wxGTK-2.8.12/samples/ to /root/development/
6. in codeblocks, 'create a new project' and select 'wxwidget project'
7. Choose wxwidgets 2.8.x version.
8. enter 'project title' as 'development'; enter 'folder to create project in' as '/root'; see that 'resulting filename' becomes '/root/development/development.cbp'.
9. Preferred GUI Builder: None; Application Type: Frame Based
10. Tick only 'create debug configuration'
11. See that under "wxwidgets library settings", "Use default wxwidgets configuration" is selected.
12. on left, under 'workspace', under 'development', see that 4 files are added by default. Click on each of them and remove from project.
13. go to /root/development and delete newly added two *.cpp files and two *.h files.
14. on left, under 'workspace', right click on 'development' and 'add files recursively'
15. select /root/development/widgets
16. now click 'build' -> 'build'; see 'build log' that it is building
17. now click 'build' -> 'run'
Yours sincerely,
Srinivas Nayak
[Precise 571 on AMD Athlon XP 2000+ with 512MB RAM]
[Fatdog 720 on Intel Pentium B960 with 4GB RAM]


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