how add gettext in perl files?

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how add gettext in perl files?

#1 Post by nilsonmorales »

Find this script and wonder how can translate to english and generate the .pot to translate.

Code: Select all

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Güífi es una IGC (interfaz gráfica cutre) para iwlist, iwconfig y dhclient
# Permite ver redes guáirles (siempre que tengan ESSID broadcast habilitado),
# unirse a las mismas y solicitar IP automática o especificarla manualmente, 
# recordando los parámetros WIFI e IP configurados para cada AP.
# Requiere nivel de root (o los permisos adecuados en sudoers)
# Requiere los paquetes: libgtk2-perl y wireless-tools (y todo lo que esto
# a su vez requiera xD), que se incluyen en LinEspa. Para quien use
# otra distro, se instalan de la siguiente manera:
# en Debian y derivados: apt-get install libgtk2-perl wireless-tools 
# en RedHat y derivados (NPI, pero supongo que será):
#			 yum install libgtk2-perl wireless-tools 
# Licenciado bajo GPL (
# Autor: Julian Coccia (
# Nota: Perl es DOLOROSO y más aún cuando no se tiene mucha idea (como es mi caso)
# Si tienes sugerencias para mejorar el código, estaré muy agradecido. Julian.
# Cambios en 0.03:
# - Botón "Conectar y Salir" agregado
# - Sección "Configuracion" reorganizada
# - Función de conectado automático (al buscar redes
#   conectar automáticamente si encuentra alguna marcada "auto"
#   mediante el checkbox "Conectar Automaticamente")
# Cambios en 0.02:
# - Ahora se permite definir en ESSID, en caso de que esté oculto
# - Aclaración sobre la definición de WEPs en ASCII usando s:

use Gtk2 -init;
use Gtk2::SimpleList;
my $version="0.03";

# Read Configuration
my $cfg = new ManageConfig;
`touch ~/.guifirc`;
$cfg->read_config(`ls ~/.guifirc`);
my $actual_mac="";

# Create main guindow xD
my $command;
my $win = Gtk2::Window->new;
$win->set_title ('LinEspa | Gestor Guífi v'.$version);
$win->set_border_width (6);
$win->set_default_size (500, 500);
$win->signal_connect (delete_event => sub { Gtk2->main_quit; });

# Create Network List
my $box1 = Gtk2::VBox->new (0,3);
$win->add ($box1);

my $scwin = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new;
$box1->pack_start ($scwin, 1, 1, 0);
$scwin->set_policy (qw/automatic automatic/);

my $slist = Gtk2::SimpleList->new (
			'Nro'    => 'text',
			'Nombre'    => 'text',
			'Cifrado'     => 'text',
			'Canal'  => 'text',
			'Señal'  => 'text',
			'Calidad'    => 'text',
			'Protocolo'  => 'text',
			'Dirección'  => 'text',
$scwin->add ($slist);

my $box2 = Gtk2::HBox->new (0, 6);
$box1->pack_start($box2, 0, 1, 0);

# Create Buttons
my $btn;
my $tooltips = Gtk2::Tooltips->new;
foreach (
		[ 'Buscar', 'Buscar nuevamente todas las redes visibles' ],
		[ 'Conectar', 'Conectar a la red seleccionada' ],
		[ 'Desconectar', 'Desconectarse de la red actual' ],
	$btn = Gtk2::Button->new ($_->[0]);
	$btn->signal_connect (clicked => \&btn_clicked, $_->[0]);
	$tooltips->set_tip ($btn, $_->[1]);
	$box2->pack_start($btn, 0, 1, 0);

$btn = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock ('gtk-quit');
$btn->signal_connect (clicked => sub  { 
Gtk2->main_quit; });
$box2->pack_end($btn, 0, 1, 0);

$btn = Gtk2::Button->new ('Conectar y Salir');
$btn->signal_connect (clicked => sub {

$box2->pack_end($btn, 0, 1, 0);

$slist->get_selection->signal_connect (changed => sub {

my $dslist = $slist->{data};
my $op_count = 0;

my @pixbufs;
foreach (qw/gtk-ok gtk-cancel gtk-quit gtk-apply gtk-clear 
	    gtk-delete gtk-execute gtk-dnd/)
	push @pixbufs, $win->render_icon ($_, 'menu');
push @pixbufs, undef;

# Status Tabs

my $redes = Gtk2::HBox->new(1,6);
$box1->pack_start($redes, 0, 1, 0);

my $status = Gtk2::VBox->new(1,6);
$redes->pack_start($status, 0, 1, 0);

my $frame1 = Gtk2::Frame->new("Red WI-FI actual");
$status->pack_start($frame1, 0, 0, 10);

	my $cajavert2 = Gtk2::VBox->new(1);
	my $adaptador = Gtk2::Label->new('No se encontró adaptador WI-FI');
	$cajahoriz->pack_start($adaptador, 0,1, 0);

	$cajahoriz=show_data($cajavert2,"Access Point:");
	my $accesspoint = Gtk2::Label->new('Sin Conexión');
	$cajahoriz->pack_start($accesspoint, 0,1, 0);

	my $velocidad = Gtk2::Label->new('No disponible');
	$cajahoriz->pack_start($velocidad, 0,1, 0);

	my $calidad = Gtk2::Label->new('No disponible');
	$cajahoriz->pack_start($calidad, 0,1, 0);

	my $senal = Gtk2::Label->new('No disponible');
	$cajahoriz->pack_start($senal, 0,1, 0);

	my $frame2 = Gtk2::Frame->new("Información IP actual");
	$status->pack_start($frame2, 0, 0, 10);

	$cajavert2 = Gtk2::VBox->new(1);
	$cajahoriz=show_data($cajavert2,"Dirección IP:");
	my $dirIP = Gtk2::Label->new('Sin Direccion IP');
	$cajahoriz->pack_start($dirIP, 0,1, 0);

	my $if_estado = Gtk2::Label->new('Interfaz Desactivada (DOWN)');
	$cajahoriz->pack_start($if_estado, 0,1, 0);

	my $gateway = Gtk2::Label->new('Sin Ruteador');
	$cajahoriz->pack_start($gateway, 0,1, 0);

	my $dns = Gtk2::Label->new('Sin DNS');
	$cajahoriz->pack_start($dns, 0,1, 0);

	my $txrx = Gtk2::Label->new('0/0');
	$cajahoriz->pack_start($txrx, 0,1, 0);


	my $frame3 = Gtk2::Frame->new("Modificar configuración ");
	$redes->pack_start($frame3, 0, 0, 10);

	$cajavert2 = Gtk2::VBox->new(1);

	# Cambiar Configuración WLAN

	$cajahoriz= Gtk2::HBox->new(1);
	my $myessid = input_data($cajahoriz,"ESSID:");	
	my $automatico = new Gtk2::CheckButton("Conectar automaticamente");

	$cajahoriz= Gtk2::HBox->new(1);
	my $WEP1 = input_data($cajahoriz,"WEP 1:");
	my $WEP2 = input_data($cajahoriz,"WEP 2:");

	$cajahoriz= Gtk2::HBox->new(1);
	my $WEP3 = input_data($cajahoriz,"WEP 3:");
	my $WEP4 = input_data($cajahoriz,"WEP 4:");

	$cajahoriz= Gtk2::HBox->new(1);
	my $canal = input_data($cajahoriz,"Canal:");
	$cajahoriz=show_data($cajahoriz," para claves ASCII anteponer s:");

	# Cambiar Configuración IP
	$cajahoriz= Gtk2::HBox->new(1);
	my $manual_ip = input_data($cajahoriz,"Dir.IP:");
	my $manual_subnet = input_data($cajahoriz,"Mascara:");

	$cajahoriz= Gtk2::HBox->new(1);
	my $manual_gw = input_data($cajahoriz,"Ruteador:");
	my $manual_dns = input_data($cajahoriz,"DNS:");

	# Botón APLICAR
	$cajahoriz = Gtk2::HBox->new(0, 3);
	$cajavert2->pack_start($cajahoriz, 0,1, 0);
	$btn = Gtk2::Button->new ('Aplicar');
	$btn->signal_connect (clicked => \&apply_config);
	$cajahoriz->pack_end($btn, 0, 1, 0);

	# Botón GRABAR
	$btn = Gtk2::Button->new ('Grabar');
	$btn->signal_connect (clicked => \&grabar_config);
	$cajahoriz->pack_end($btn, 0, 1, 0);

	$btn = Gtk2::Button->new ('Solicitar IP vía DHCP');
	$btn->signal_connect (clicked => \&dhcp_client);
	$cajahoriz->pack_end($btn, 0, 1, 0);

	my $id = Glib::Timeout->add (1000, sub {




# Subroutines Below (ManageConfig module at the bottom)

sub guifi_scan
my ($cell, $mac, $essid, $linea, $key, $channel, $quality, $signal, $protocol);
my $numredes=0;
my $iface = guifi_interface();

# Clear list
@{$slist->{data}} = ();

# Execute iwlist
$command="iwlist $iface scan";

foreach (`$command`)

	if ($linea =~ /Cell\ / && $essid) {
		push(@{$slist->{data}}, [$cell,$essid,$key,$channel,$signal,$quality,$protocol,$mac]);
		if (!$cfg->{"$mac"}) { $cfg->set("$mac.essid",$essid); }
		$numredes++; }

	if ($linea =~ /^.*Cell\ (.*)\ -\ Address: (.*)/) {
	    $cell = $1;	
	    $mac = $2;
	if ($linea =~ /^.*ESSID\:"(.*)"/) {
	    $essid = $1;	
	if ($linea =~ /^.*on\ key\:(.*)/) {
	    $key = $1;	
	if ($linea =~ /^.*Protocol:(.*)/) {
	    $protocol = $1;	
 	if ($linea =~ /^.*Quality:(.*).*Signal\ level\:(.*)\ N/) {
	    $quality = $1;	
	    $signal = $2;
 	if ($linea =~ /^.*Signal\:(.*)/) {
	    $signal = $1;
 	if ($linea =~ /^.*\(Channel\ (.*)\)/) {
	    $channel = $1;	
 	if ($linea =~ /^.*Channel:(.*)/) {
	    $channel = $1;	
 	if ($linea =~ /^.*Bit\ Rate:(.*)/) {
	    $quality = $1;	


if ($cell) {
	push(@{$slist->{data}}, [$cell,$essid,$key,$channel,$signal,$quality,$protocol,$mac]);
	if (!$cfg->{"$mac"}) { $cfg->set("$mac.essid",$essid);	}

if ($numredes==0) {
	push(@{$slist->{data}}, ["", "No hay redes disponibles"]);

} # end guifi_scan

sub dhcp_client

	my $iface = guifi_interface();
	`killall -9 dhclient`;
	`dhclient $iface`;

sub input_data {
	my ($donde, $texto) = @_;
	my $tmpbox = Gtk2::HBox->new(0, 3);
	$donde->pack_start($tmpbox, 0,1, 0);
	$tmpbox->pack_start(Gtk2::Label->new($texto),0,1, 0);
	my $tmpvar = Gtk2::Entry->new;
	$tmpbox->pack_start ($tmpvar, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
	return $tmpvar;

sub show_data {
	my ($donde, $texto) = @_;
	my $tmpbox = Gtk2::HBox->new(0, 3);
	$donde->pack_start($tmpbox, 0,1, 0);
	$tmpbox->pack_start(Gtk2::Label->new($texto),0,1, 0);
	return $tmpbox;

sub btn_clicked
	my ($button, $op) = @_;
	my $indice;
	my $iface;
	if( $op eq 'Delete' )
		delete $dslist->[$#$dslist/2];
	elsif( $op eq 'Buscar' )
	elsif( $op eq 'Desconectar' )
		$iface = guifi_interface();
		`iwconfig $iface essid off/any`;
		`killall -9 dhclient`;
		`ifconfig $iface down`;
	elsif( $op eq 'Conectar' )
		$iface = guifi_interface();
		$indice=join(", ", $slist->get_selected_indices);
		my $ap=$slist->{data}[$indice][1];
		`iwconfig $iface essid $ap`;

} # end btn_clicked

sub AutoConectar {


if (!$manual_ip->get_text) {


sub guifi_interface {

	my $iface;

	foreach (`cat /proc/net/wireless`) {
		if (/\ (.*):/) {

	return $iface;

} # end guifi_interface

sub guifi_estado_wifi {

my $iface = guifi_interface();

# Execute iwconfig
$command="iwconfig $iface";

my ($bitrate,$essid);
foreach (`$command`)
	if (/^.*ESSID\:\"([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\"/) {
	    $essid = $1;	
	if (/^.*ESSID\:off/) {
	    $essid = "";	
	if (/(..:..:..:..:..:..)/) {
            if (!$essid) { $essid="";}			 	
	    $accesspoint->set_text("$essid ($1)");
	if (/^.*Access\ Point\: 00\:00\:00/) {
	if (/^.*Bit\ Rate:(.*)/) {
	    $bitrate = $1;	
        if (/Signal:(.*)/) {
 	if (/^.*Quality.(.*).*Signal\ level.(.*)/) {
		if (!$bitrate) { $bitrate="";}


} # end guifi_estado_wifi

sub guifi_estado_IP {

my $iface = guifi_interface();

# Execute ifconfig
$command="ifconfig $iface";

my ($bitrate,$essid);
my $estado="Interfaz Desactivada (DOWN)";
foreach (`$command`)
	if (/^.*inet\ addr\:(.*)\ Bcast.*Mask\:(.*)/) {
	if (/UP\ /) {
	    $estado = "ACTIVA";
	if (/^.*\((.*)\).*\((.*)\)/) {
	    $txrx->set_text("$2 / $1");

# Check DNS configuration
my $dnsconfig=`grep -i nameserver /etc/resolv.conf | sed s/nameserver//g`;

my $router=`route -n | grep ^ | awk {'print \$2'}`;
} # end guifi_estado_IP

sub apply_config 
my $iface = guifi_interface();
my $command="iwconfig $iface ";

if ($myessid->get_text) { $command = $command." essid ".$myessid->get_text." " ;}

# Configure WEP keys
if ($WEP1->get_text) {
	$command = $command." key 1 ".$WEP1->get_text;
	if ($WEP2->get_text) { $command = $command." key 2 ".$WEP2->get_text; }
	if ($WEP3->get_text) { $command = $command." key 3 ".$WEP3->get_text; }
	if ($WEP4->get_text) { $command = $command." key 4 ".$WEP4->get_text; }
	$command = $command." key off";

# Configure Channel
if ($canal->get_text) {
	$command = $command." channel ".$canal->get_text;

# Execute iwconfig command
print "Executing: $command \n";

# IP Configuration

if ($manual_ip->get_text) {

	$command = "ifconfig $iface ".$manual_ip->get_text." netmask ".$manual_subnet->get_text;
	print "Executing: $command \n";

	# Remove default route
	$command = "route del -net default";
	print "Executing: $command \n";

	# Create default route
	$command = "route add -net default gw ".$manual_gw->get_text;
	print "Executing: $command \n";

	$command = "echo nameserver ".$manual_dns->get_text." > /etc/resolv.conf";
	print "Executing: $command \n";

} # end apply_config

sub grabar_config
	$indice=join(", ", $slist->get_selected_indices);
	my $mac=$slist->{data}[$indice][7];
} # end grabar_config

sub read_config
	$indice=join(", ", $slist->get_selected_indices);
	my $mac=$slist->{data}[$indice][7];
	if ($cfg->{"$mac.myessid"}) {
		$myessid->set_text($cfg->{"$mac.myessid"}); }
	else {
		$myessid->set_text($cfg->{"$mac.essid"}); }

} # end read_config

sub CheckAutoconnect {

  for (my $number = 0; $number <=99; $number++) {
     if (!$essidmac) { $number=999;} 
     else {
		print $essidmac." $number \n";

		if ($automatico->get_active=="1") {
	    		my $alerta = Gtk2::Dialog->new( 'Conexión Automática', undef, 'modal',
				   'gtk-quit' => 'ok','gtk-cancel' => 'cancel' );    
	    		my $text ="Se ha conectado automáticamente a ".$myessid->get_text;
	    		$alerta->vbox->pack_start( Gtk2::Label->new( $text ), FALSE, FALSE,4 );
	    		if ('ok' eq $respuesta) { exit; } 
	    		if ('cancel' eq $respuesta) { $alerta->destroy;}


package ManageConfig;

sub new {
    my ($class_name) = @_;
    my ($self) = {};   
    bless ($self, $class_name);
    $self->{'_guifi'} = 1;
    return $self;

sub read_config {
    my ($self, $file) = @_;
    my ($line, $section);

    open (CONFIGFILE, $file) or return 0;

    $self->{'_filename'} = $file;
    while ($line = <CONFIGFILE>) {

	if ($line =~ /^\[(.*)\]/) {
	    $section = $1;
	} elsif ($line =~ /^([^=]+)=(.*)/) {
	    my ($config_name, $config_val) = ($1, $2);
	    if ($section) {
		$self->{"$section.$config_name"} = $config_val;
	    } else {
		$self->{$config_name} = $config_val;

    close CONFIGFILE;
    return 1;

sub get {
    my ($self, $key) = @_;
    return $self->{$key};

sub set {
    my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
    $self->{$key} = $value;

sub save_config {
   my $self = shift;
   my @keys = @_ ? @_ : sort keys %$self;
   open (RCFILE, ">".$self->{"_filename"});
   my $prev_titulo="";
   foreach $key (@keys) {
      if (!/^_/) {
	if ($key =~ /^(.*)\.(.*)/) {
		if ($prev_titulo ne $titulo) {
			print RCFILE "[$titulo]\n";
			$prev_titulo = $titulo;
	      	print RCFILE "$variable=$valor\n"; 
   close (RCFILE);

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gettex in perl

#2 Post by rodin.s »

I don't know. I tried to find out. I found instruction but it was hard for me to understand and implement it. There was one Perl script in Puppy for detection free space in drives. There was two words to translate: "Drives" and "Free" so I decided to simply edit script and replace these words with Russian ones.

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how add gettext in perl files?

#3 Post by L18L »

I have also tried and found out. ... /Perl.html

Code: Select all

use Gtk2 -init;
use Gtk2::SimpleList;
my $version="0.03";

use POSIX;
use Locale::TextDomain ("guifi" => "@localedir@");

# Read Configuration
Note, textdomain is guifi

Code: Select all

foreach (
      [ __('Buscar'), __('Buscar nuevamente todas las redes visibles') ],
      [ __('Conectar'), __('Conectar a la red seleccionada') ],
      [ __('Desconectar'), __('Desconectarse de la red actual') ],
Note, gettext is __ (2 underscores)

Create guifi.pot file by:

Code: Select all

xgettext --from-code UTF-8 --keyword=__ -o guifi.pot
It works, I have tested it with some phrases translated from Spanish to German 8)

libintl-perl installed from ppm
libgtk2-perl and dependencies installed from ppm
is much overhead for perl.

Barry's method of sss could be better in this case I think.
See /usr/share/sss/script_strings/ please

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#4 Post by nilsonmorales »

Thanks, need time to read a lot and learn
many thanks again
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