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WallPuppy ... Reworked my wallpaper app.

Posted: Tue 13 Aug 2013, 17:20
by sunburnt
Here`s an easier to use version with a GUI integrated filer.

Also in AppPkg format so really easy to use, and portable.
Just click on the WallPuppy.AppPkg folder to run it.
For menu`s or desktop links, use the file: WallPuppy.AppPkg/AppRun

Vovchik`s picscale is in it for creating the thumbnail pics.
And thanks again vovchik for the small exec. file size: 26 KB.

It`s certainly a bigger GUI, with a bigger image display ( nice ).
UnZip it and put it anywhere, it should work from everywhere.

Feedback on your thoughts...

Posted: Tue 13 Aug 2013, 17:39
by Keef
First thoughts...

there doesn't appear to be anything inside.
Small though.

Posted: Tue 13 Aug 2013, 19:50
by sunburnt
Hi Keef; Sorry about that, forgot the "-r" on the zip command.

Posted: Tue 13 Aug 2013, 20:26
by Keef
Just tried it on my first run of Slacko 5.6
No joy. This is what I get running from console:

Code: Select all

# ./AppRun 
find: `/roo': No such file or directory
find: `/roo': No such file or directory
find: `/roo': No such file or directory
find: `/roo': No such file or directory
./AppRun: line 9: 20457 Segmentation fault      $appP/.AppPkg/WallPuppy/wallpuppy

Posted: Tue 13 Aug 2013, 21:27
by sunburnt
Typical, works great for me. I`ve uploaded a modded one, give it a try.

There`s 2 "find" commands, and before that a trim the last character.
This looks to be the problem, I made it trim only a last character "/".

Posted: Tue 13 Aug 2013, 22:09
by Keef
On Slacko the 'find' error has gone, but wallpuppy still segfaults.

Tried it on Wary 5.5 and wallpuppy still not happy:

Code: Select all

./.AppPkg/WallPuppy/wallpuppy: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.11' not found (required by ./.AppPkg/WallPuppy/wallpuppy)
./.AppPkg/WallPuppy/wallpuppy: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by ./.AppPkg/WallPuppy/wallpuppy)

Posted: Wed 14 Aug 2013, 01:59
by sunburnt
Keef; That`s a libC version error between your Puppy version and mine.
Ubuntu and Slack are about as far apart as two Puppy versions can get.

BaCon comples it`s code with C to an exec. file.

I`m using Precise-5.4.X.5, I`ll try a few of my other Puppy versions.

Posted: Wed 14 Aug 2013, 20:15
by Karl Godt
sunburnt wrote:Keef; That`s a libC version error between your Puppy version and mine.
Ubuntu and Slack are about as far apart as two Puppy versions can get.

BaCon comples it`s code with C to an exec. file.

I`m using Precise-5.4.X.5, I`ll try a few of my other Puppy versions.
Terry, You should know this when compiling apps !

The GLIBC thingy is one of the main causes for me to still run PUPPY-4.3 with glibc-2.6.1 .

Posted: Thu 15 Aug 2013, 02:58
by sunburnt
Karl; Is that a popular C library version? But it`s no reason to not upgrade.

Yes, I know it, but I hoped Puppy versions would be more compatible.
Ubuntu and Slack based Puppies having different parents divides them.
But it even questions the compatibility between Lucid, Precise, and Racy.

I`m working on a script to compile a BaCon app. and make an AppPkg of it.
This should allow any BaCon app. to run on almost any Linux distro.
Providing all the other dependencies exist of course... A tall order for sure.

Posted: Thu 15 Aug 2013, 17:45
by Keef
I've tried it on Precise, and it works of course. I'm not sure if you meant the file selector to be quite that minimalistic, but clicking on the two dots does work.

Posted: Thu 15 Aug 2013, 19:43
by sunburnt
Thanks for the effort Keef; Yes I put my file dialog directly on the app.
So you don`t have to keep clicking the filer button to pop it up.
This way you can quickly select pic. after pic.

It makes a good pic viewer too!

I`m working on a compile script so it`ll be portable to almost any Linux distro.
It`ll be slow building the app. this way, but it`ll solve many portability problems.
There`s sooo many pitfalls to portability, GTK versions, etc., etc. :roll: