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Precise 571: gpodder can't find eyeD3 dependency

Posted: Fri 16 Aug 2013, 20:17
by ahoppin
I'm not sure this qualifies as a bug. Maybe it's a missing or incomplete feature. Or maybe it's something I'm doing wrong.

I'm running a full installation of Precise 5.7.1 Retro on a Thinkpad T22. Installed gpodder from the Ubuntu repo. After linking /usr/share/pyshared/mygpoclient to /usr/bin/mygpoclient (took a while to figure that one out) it works, but it gripes that it can't find eyeD3.

So I tried to install eyeD3. A search in Puppy Package Manager turned up two items, eyed3_0.6.17-3 and python-eyed3_0.6.17-3.

python-eyed3_0.6.17-3 looked like it probably was a dependency of eyed3_0.6.17-3, so I went for that first. PPM didn't show a Check Dependencies button, so I just installed it.

When PPM finished, it ran the dependencies check on all installed packages - and it totally filled the bottom box with missing dependencies!

PPM offers no way to fix this problem, not even any suggestions. It looks like I have to write down all the missing dependencies (copy and paste doesn't seem to work in PPM), search for them on the web, also track down all the dependencies of each of THOSE packages, download the whole stack manually, and install them one by one

I've done that before on Lucid for a few Ubuntu and Debian packages. It took HOURS. So, for now I've uninstalled python-eyed3_0.6.17-3.

It seems that PPM - this time - wasn't able to identify missing dependencies before installing the python-eyed3_0.6.17-3 package.

PPM warns that it might have this problem - "Sometimes the dependency information in the database is incomplete ..." And it does run the full check on all user-installed packages after it finishes. Unfortunately, when it does discover missing dependencies *after* it's already loaded the package, it can only warn the user. It doesn't know what to do about them.

Maybe this is because I'm trying to install "foreign" (Ubuntu Precise Pangolin) packages. Unfortunately, I don't have much choice with Precise. The number of actual Precise pets (in the puppy-precise PPM repo) seems pretty small. I count just 17, even after updating the database.

Is there any chance that a future version of PPM will be able to handle missing dependencies found in that final check of all installed packages?

I hope I haven't offended anyone with this question / comment.

Re: Check dependencies - and then ...

Posted: Fri 16 Aug 2013, 21:18
by simargl