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Tiny C Compiler

Posted: Thu 12 Sep 2013, 20:54
by dogle
Yesterday, newcomer rufus asked (in the Puppy feedback thread) if consideration could be given to including this in Puppy. ... &start=897

Years ago, I'd have said no, compilers are not really for the standard ISO.

Now, I'm not so sure .... the Puppy community seems, judging by the forum content, to have grown much more tech-savvy and perhaps a tiny ?100kB compiler might be welcome to more than just a few.

I'm way out of my depth when it comes to the merits of compilers - perhaps some more knowledgeable than myself could comment?

Posted: Fri 13 Sep 2013, 04:43
by Ted Dog
I felt a BaCon with tinycc was a good idea, once got it to work on a ARM device (older kindle 3) kinda a dev-lite.sfs would be cool.