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Changing kb layout does not work well in Upup Raring

Posted: Thu 24 Oct 2013, 07:01
by joaomcteixeira
Hi there,

sorry for the repost (if it is the case),

I am running Upup Raring (Amazing is really a lesser word for it ;-) ), and I am having some trouble with the keyboard. The keyboard layout keeps booting into the US layout despite that in the options menu it says to the layout ES is activated (I want ES layout).

When I change it in the menu sometimes it does not change, other it change after a while but always it turns back to US layout after a while or on reboot.

I am using a live session now, and I use it under several computers, and the problem persists.

Any clues how to solve this?

Posted: Thu 24 Oct 2013, 09:51
by bignono1
Go /etc/X11/xorg.conf , edit this line
Option "XkbLayout" "us" #xkeymap0
make it like this:
Option "XkbLayout" "es" #xkeymap0
save and restartx.

Posted: Thu 24 Oct 2013, 13:11
by joaomcteixeira
bignono1 wrote:Go /etc/X11/xorg.conf , edit this line
Option "XkbLayout" "us" #xkeymap0
make it like this:
Option "XkbLayout" "es" #xkeymap0
save and restartx.
Thank you very much! :)

Posted: Thu 24 Oct 2013, 13:50
by OscarTalks
Ola' Joao, tudo bem?

The US keyboard layout problem is a known bug which we investigated a few weeks ago. We discovered that it is caused by the version of libX11

Try installing the libX11 from here:-

I think you will find that this fixes the problem.

Posted: Thu 24 Oct 2013, 22:04
by joaomcteixeira
:shock: :shock:
Olá!! és português?! eheheh
8) 8)

Yes indeed Oscar,
I tried the solution of bignono1 and it didn't work :(
I installed the packaged you told me and it seems working for now after one reboot 8) tomorrow during the working day your solution will be put to the real test :P and I will let you know the result :wink:

Best wishes!

Posted: Fri 25 Oct 2013, 11:57
by joaomcteixeira
Hi there,

by far the LibX11 is working perfectly. "es" layout loaded on booting from .2sf and until now it didn't turn back to the "us" layout has happened before. :D

I would like to add a comment on the "es" layout, which I don't know up to which extent it depends on you Puppy developers to correct/improve it:

Contrarily to Ubuntu, the "es" layout (I tried every, and I am using now the #2 variant, Sun Dead Keys) does not allow me to put ~ over a letter, like ã. While in Ubuntu this is possible. As soon as I press ~ it appears. :roll:

any comments?

Best whishes :P

fr keyboard inside Seq;onkey

Posted: Thu 27 Nov 2014, 07:22
by Pelo
strange ; correct keyboard fr set in primary setting and running seamonkey, american one working. setxkbmap fr solves the bug (upup Raring after restart x ... for the session.
Must be repeated each session.
Fr keyboqrd excepted zihin seq;onkey
Fr keyboard excepted within seamonkey
Sorry such q bug is too boring
reloaded Raring previous version 3.9.8 upup (now keyboard fr ok in seamonkey)

Qny Puppy doctor qvqilqble <

Posted: Thu 01 Jan 2015, 07:14
by Pelo
Best zishes for 2015

best wishes 2016 !

Posted: Fri 01 Jan 2016, 20:51
by Pelo
best wishes 2016 ! setxkbmap fr each session