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BitNami LAPP stack sfs for Puppy Linux

Posted: Wed 13 Nov 2013, 22:33
by mcewanw
For my own use I have created an sfs for BitNami LAPP Stack for use with Puppy Linux (sfs size 83.2MB). LAPP provides the PostgreSQL database, which some business apps require rather than MySQL. I haven't modified the BitNami Stack in any way and haven't tested it much so no guarantees from me whatsoever. It all installs to its own directory so shouldn't interfere with any alternatives previously instaled. I have temporarily uploaded the sfs to the following shared dropbox link in case anyone finds it useful: ... 4.21-0.sfs

md5sum is: d93e08323cdabc20dd4e447d233aea31 lappstack-5.4.21-0.sfs

I use it with Puppy Precise 5.6.1 but should work with other recent puppies too.

NOTE WELL. Set up to work in Puppy:

To start up, the PostgreSQL server requires the Linux system to have a user named "postgres", who becomes the main admin of the postgres databases. That user needs the approprate directory and file permissions to the relevant postgres directories and files. The easiest way I found to arrange that is to first create the postgres user, using adduser command, and then to modify that user's userid in /etc/passwd (using a text editor) to be the same as user "ftp" (because user "ftp" is the default user/owner of the postgres directory). In other words, to get this working on Puppy do the following in a terminal:


Code: Select all

adduser -H postgres
I used the password admin for the new user.
2. Before doing the following, you might like to backup your /etc/passwd file. Open the file /etc/passwd in geany or your favourite text editor and alter the user "postgres" line such that the userid for user "postgres" (the third field along) becomes the same as that for user "ftp" (which is probably 1000). I have only tested all this briefly but it basically seems to work, though there may well be other or better steps needed to get everything functioning more properly (perhaps instead of using "ftp" by changing userowner and groupowner of the postgres directory recursively to "postgres", but I haven't bothered trying that).
3. Now enter the following commands to start up the postgres server automatically followed by the apache web server (wait till that has been completed before proceeding):

Code: Select all

cd /opt/lappstack-5.4.21-0
./ start
4. You can begin trying it all out by starting up your Internet browser and entering "localhost" (without the quotes) or "localhost:80" as the url to visit. That should take you to the local Bitnami Welcome page. From there, the most useful menu items to try out are items 1. and 4. Note that the "graphical Manager" tool mentioned in item 2. doesn't work by default in Puppy linux (I think it probably needs tk/tcl installed), but it isn't necessary anyway.
5. To use php you may also need to run the following commands from a terminal openend at /opt/lappstack-5.4.21-0:

Code: Select all

php -v

The lappstack sfs installs the stack into /opt/lappstack-5.4.21-0. Note that whilst the sfs itself will not eat up any of your pupsave space at all, any data or configurations you use LAPP for will. To avoid that you can simply make /opt a symlink to a directory in for example /mnt/home, which is outside of your pupsave file. There is no start menu entry since the stack components are designed to be started from a terminal opened at the installation directory.

Note that BitNami also provide versions of their stacks as Virtual Machines or Cloud Server based.

The following brief details and usage instructions are extracts from the downloaded README.txt and from the online docs:

(More details can be found at:

BitNami LAPP Stack provides a complete PHP, PostgreSQL and Apache development environment for Linux that can be launched in one click. It also bundles phpPgAdmin, SQLite, Varnish, ImageMagick, ModSecurity, XDebug, Xcache, OAuth, Memcache, FastCGI, APC, GD, OpenSSL, CURL, openLDAP, PEAR, PECL and other components

You can learn more about BitNami stacks (and applications) at

BitNami LAPP stack ships with the following software versions:

- Apache 2.4.6
- PostgreSQL 9.3.0
- PHP 5.4.21
- phpPgAdmin 5.1
- AWS SDK for PHP 1.6.2
- Varnish 3.0.3
- ImageMagick 6.7.5
- SQLite
- ModSecurity 2.6.7
- Libraries for Couchbase 2.0.5
- Couchbase PHP extension 1.1.4
- Heroku client
- Git 1.8.3
- Ruby 1.9.3-p448


To enter to your application you can point your browser to
(or if so configured)


You can also use the command line utility:

./ (start|stop|restart)
./ (start|stop|restart) postgresql
./ (start|stop|restart) apache

BitNami console is a script that loads environment variables that need
to be present when using many of the command line tools included in
the stack, such as pg, php or openssl.

All of the Native Installers for BitNami Stacks are completely self-contained
and run independently of the rest of the software or libraries installed
on your system. For this to work, certain environment variables need
to be configured properly. Before running any stack command line tool, you
should start the "BitNami console" to setup the environment. For example
to check the PHP version.

On Linux or OS X, you have to start a Terminal and run the following commands
into your installation directory:

php -v

Posted: Fri 15 Nov 2013, 01:06
by kooliepup
Nice package. Works fine.

The modules available for BitNami don't state whether they are for MySql or PostgreSql, and so I got caught with the first 2 modules I tried to run on LAPP.

Had to d/l their LAMP stack to get it all happening.

BitNami is a great system, and it is the quickest and easiest way to get a e-commerce platform up and running.