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Vpnbook connect .pet

Posted: Thu 28 Nov 2013, 18:29
by ashes
a simple pet to connect to vpnbook, a free openvpn service

openvpn is needed
roxterm can be helpful due to copy/paste capabilities for password
I use lynx as browser to get the password from the web and copy paste it into the openvpn-shell, but the script is set to deaultbrowser

I'm sure there are more sophisticated ways of facilitating the connection process, suggestions are welcome

Posted: Sat 30 Nov 2013, 03:34
by chapchap70
Scott Jarvis put a little Gui program in his latest Akita Puppy iso called Internet Security Helper. OpenVPN is one of the apps/scripts in it.

When the openvpn button is clicked, a terminal window opens up and a "auth username" and "auth password" prompts. A splash screen pops up with the current vpnbook password that it retrieved from the site.

Posted: Mon 02 Dec 2013, 23:00
by ashes
the Internet Security Helper is a great program.
in the vpn section it unfortunately it doesn't get the actual vpnbook password.

Posted: Mon 02 Dec 2013, 23:28
by chapchap70
The Internet Security Helper program that you can get from the forum (I think a few threads from this one) doesn't download the password; the password listed was the current one at the time he made the script. One would have to go to vpnbook and look for the current password if this version is used. I believe this is version 0.1

The Akita Linux iso has the Internet Security Helper within it that downloads the current password. I think this is version 0.2 I downloaded the iso and took the script from there.

I don't want to presume and paste the script I have without asking. Maybe changing the script you got to download the current password is easy?

Posted: Wed 04 Dec 2013, 07:19
by sc0ttman
chapchap70 wrote:The Internet Security Helper program that you can get from the forum (I think a few threads from this one) doesn't download the password; the password listed was the current one at the time he made the script. One would have to go to vpnbook and look for the current password if this version is used. I believe this is version 0.1

The Akita Linux iso has the Internet Security Helper within it that downloads the current password. I think this is version 0.2 I downloaded the iso and took the script from there.

I don't want to presume and paste the script I have without asking. Maybe changing the script you got to download the current password is easy?
yeah, post 0.2 thats fine..

Posted: Thu 05 Dec 2013, 23:34
by chapchap70
Thanks Scott. 8)

Edit: After looking over what I have in my Fatdog, I realized Internet Security Helper 0.2 has 497 lines of code. Below is the applicable VPN code. I have 3 netsecurity scripts in my /usr/sbin/ directory because I tried a few different things to get it to work in my Fatdog setup.

Code: Select all

#internet security tool for akita linux
#below is URL of settings file for OpenVPN client (.ovpn) [Euro1|Euro2|UK1|US1]:

run_vpn () {
	VPNLIST="Choose a service"
	echo "$VPNLIST" > /tmp/vpnlist_$(whoami).txt
	while read VPN; do
		NAME="`echo "$VPN" | cut -f5 -d'/'`"
	VPNCHOOSER="<window width-request=\"300\" title=\"Choose your VPN\"><frame><text><label>Choose a VPN setup</label></text><combobox><variable>VPNFILE</variable>$VPNITEMS</combobox><hbox><button ok></button><button cancel></button></hbox></frame></window>"
	RETVAL="`gtkdialog -c -p VPNCHOOSER`"
	eval "$RETVAL"
	mkdir -p ~/Downloads/vpn
	if [ "$EXIT" = "OK" -a "$VPNFILE" != "Choose a service" ]; then
		killall openvpn
		rm ~/Downloads/vpn/* &>/dev/null
		VPNURL="`cat /tmp/vpnlist_$(whoami).txt | grep "/$VPNFILE"`"
		wget  --no-check-certificate --no-clobber -t 5 "$VPNURL" -O ~/Downloads/vpn/$VPNFILE
		cd ~/Downloads/vpn
		if [ "`ls -1 | grep $VPNFILE | grep -i 'vpnbook'`" != "" ];then
			unzip $VPNFILE
			VPNFILE="`find /root/Downloads/vpn/ -iname "*tcp443*.ovpn*"`"
		#rxvt -e openvpn  --auth-user-pass /tmp/vpnbook_login.txt --config "$VPNFILE" &
		rxvt -e openvpn --auth-nocache --config "$VPNFILE" &
		sleep 0.5 
		if [ "`echo $VPNFILE | grep -i vpnbook`" != "" ];then #if vpnbook settings
			vpnbook_pword=$(wget --no-check-certificate -q -O - | grep 'Password:' | cut -f2 -d':' | head -1 | cut -f1 -d'<')
			#add the pword file into the settings
			#echo "vpnbook\n$vpnbook_pword" > /tmp/vpnbook_login.txt
			#sed -i 's|auth-user-pass|auth-user-pass /tmp/vpnbook_login.txt|' "$VPNFILE"
			Xdialog --title "Login for VPNBook" --msgbox "VPNBook is a free, secure VPN service.
Enter these details in the terminal window, when prompted.

If successful, you should see 'Sequence Completed', 
and you can then minimize the terminal window. If 
you close the terminal window, the VPN will disconnect.

Login Details (see for latest):

User:      vpnbook
Pass:       $vpnbook_pword
" 0 0
export -f run_vpn