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Can I bind a keystroke to the shutdown command?

Posted: Thu 29 Jun 2006, 22:08
by jeffrey
To make shutting down easier I've created a desktop link to a script that simply calls fvwmpoweroff, which works fine.
However my CRT screen takes as long to wake up as Puppy does to shut down, so when I want to power off the machine for the night and I know that I've no documents open it would be nice to simply walk over to the machine, press Ctrl-Alt-Del (or whatever), count to 10 (well actually listen to hear the machine power off), and switch off at the mains socket.
I see that /etc/inittab has a ctrlaltdel entry in it but that doesn't seem to take effect in X.
Is there some way of binding a keystroke to that icon or script?
I suppose that I could do Ctrl-Alt-Backspace followed by Ctrl-Alt-Del and change /etc/inittab to call poweroff instead of reboot, however Ctrl-Alt-Del from the command prompt always performs a reboot, not as determined by the inittab setting. And is Ctrl-Alt-Backspace a good thing to do to Puppy anyway?
I'm using Puppy 1.0.9 hard disk installation (poor man's version).