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Does multisession work better in laptops now?

Posted: Sun 02 Feb 2014, 12:39
by Brown Mouse
Has the multi-session problem that existed when burning saved sessions to disc using laptops been eradicated yet?

Posted: Sun 02 Feb 2014, 19:02
by Flash
I don't know. I've never had a laptop. The reports of such problems have dropped off, so maybe it works now. If you have a laptop with a CD or DVD burner, you could burn a Puppy iso onto a CD- or DVD- RW, then boot it a few times, saving after each shutdown. Let us know if it works.

Posted: Sun 02 Feb 2014, 21:25
by musher0
Depends on how old the laptop. Some old ones had only a CD reader, so obviously, you couldn't operate Puppy in multi-session mode on those.

Posted: Sun 02 Feb 2014, 22:06
by Ted Dog
yes. especially if you clean led its very exposed so gets dirty easy. Also much easier to clean. The problem has been a BIOS bug and never really a puppylinux issue.

Posted: Mon 03 Feb 2014, 09:20
by Brown Mouse
I don't have a laptop to be able to test this on but I wanted to give a copy of my remastered multi-session disc to others who do use laptops,hence the original question.
This is the message I see at first shut-down.

Thanks for the comments.

Posted: Mon 03 Feb 2014, 09:32
by mikeb
yes barry and his scary messages... he must have a small book of them.

actaually for laptops usb sticks might be a better idea...perhaps make a master and clone. Those low profile ones are neat and less vunerable.


Posted: Mon 03 Feb 2014, 14:54
by gcmartin
Have ALWAYS run a CD/DVD based configuration for every PUP I have tested or used in an everyday mode. In fact, I have a laptop that I carry around which for the past 4 years is ONLY booting and operating from its DVD without issues.

I have assisted many people in the past where they were left with running their PCs using PUPs. In every case, they were left with the CDR or DVDR. They were guided in what to expect at Shutdown (as it takes longer) and to NOT turn the PC/Laptop off until they see the PUP eject the DVD magazine.

So far, I have NEVER had a callback on any problem in boot/shutdown of PUPs. (I have from time to time gotten calls on how to do something with Movies/Pictures but NOT issues with shutdown.

The ONLY PUP which is NOT designed for CD/DVD use is Barry's latest Quirky, while ALL other PUPs run with CD/DVD operations as a part of the fabric of PUPPY Linux.

Multi-Session works! (assuming no hardware problems)

Hope this helps

Posted: Mon 03 Feb 2014, 16:34
by Ted Dog
Lol Barrys scarey messages.. My wording after the burn was either success or failure STILL exists from our PMs in 2005. Still makes me laugh, it was never expected to be retained for years... It was just a statement on the unfinished error checking... :oops:

Posted: Mon 03 Feb 2014, 16:59
by mikeb
I have been a multisession bunny in the past...barry did not believe I was running in 160MB ram and no hard drive (puppy 1.08 and 2.02) Ok there was 5mb left but hey.... it could browse, flash and movie at the time with a k6....

The hardware thing... if there is one aspect of laptops i see fail its the optical drives...often not completely but enough to get upset .... and laptop drives are more expensive than their tower equivalents so get replaced less.

Hmm perhaps we could make a list of the scary messages...there's is that mbr one for the installer if its still around and stuff for not removing your flash stick ever again....

perhaps you should take the amiga approach and have audio warnings to really make you jump like the bark does ...or a fire alarm bell to go with a pop up...


Posted: Mon 03 Feb 2014, 19:08
by Ted Dog
do you guys recall that one orange themed puppy with a wallpaper that looked like the outback AFTER nuclear war. The poor puppy was photoshoped in the desert wasteland.
Together with the unsoft scary warnings language. To his credit those warnings are not easy to misunderstand. Ive always had a Mad Max feel to puppylinux.

its like the antiApple. more scary is The WOZ is now an Aussie and living near BK... :shock:

Posted: Mon 03 Feb 2014, 19:52
by mikeb
Could have that have been pizzapup...1.09 based and bright orange...but that's about all I remember..was actually quite good as long as you wore sunglasses

Posted: Mon 03 Feb 2014, 21:30
by Ted Dog
still have pizzasgoods isos no not that one. It was eye popping but in a optimistic teenager way. That kid has major talent both as a coder, problem solver and eye candy-ier
Wish his method of making puppylinix multiuser dominated, The hybrid spot under root directory bothers me to the core... :x

But I digressed what was this thread topic again.. :lol:

Posted: Mon 03 Feb 2014, 21:39
by Ted Dog
do you all recall the loud quack from very early macs and the fish bubbles error sounds. I would love to get those on my phone..

Posted: Mon 03 Feb 2014, 21:53
by mikeb
don't think I was doing computers when macs were early....

I multiusered 2.12 and 4.12.... not that I particularly use it but it forces a better stucture of the system boot and shutdown so worthwhile.


Posted: Mon 03 Feb 2014, 22:12
by Ted Dog
That is sad to miss the decade when all electronic devices with buttons had to make teacher angering sounds... TI calculators could make tones to play a melody. :D Apples sound effects where so irritating but fun... :roll:

But to answer posters issue. It depends on the laptop. If you reburn a iso with the directory intact. Then the cd should boot as a multisession but without the actual cd being multisession.. if that makes sense.
if you can wait Ill post code on this thread to reburn a multisession as a single session with directories Thursday. Do you need CD or blueray/DVD scripts?

Posted: Mon 03 Feb 2014, 22:54
by Brown Mouse
Ted Dog wrote:
But to answer posters issue. It depends on the laptop.
I think if this is the case I shall leave it be and if it works in the laptops I test all well and good.Otherwise I'd be out of my depth.

Appreciate all the input,thanks to one and all.