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PLEASE give us a default Local Repository

Posted: Fri 07 Feb 2014, 15:31
by boof
It can be root/my-applications/Downloads for all I care, just make it happen, please. It needs to be avail at all times, for all program searches, so I can download a program in any acceptable format and use ppm to install it, because I cannot remember any other way to do it, and whilst it may be easy for you to muck around, my fast-ageing brain can't do this any more.

Posted: Sun 09 Feb 2014, 11:02
by solo
Perhaps I am missing something here, but isn't the default location for saving dowloaded files /root/Downloads ?
Is there something wrong with that location? I don't experience any problem at all with downloading packages or files to that location and then installing them through PPM.

If this is a case where you would like to have a different download location for those files that are installable programs, as opposed to other files, then the only thing I can think of, is to change the preferences in the program you download files with.
If, for instance, you would mainly use the Firefox Internet browser to download files, you could go to the -Edit-, -Preferences-, -General- tab, and there you could specify that you always want Firefox to ask you which location you want a downloaded file to be saved at.
If, conversely, you want all the files you download to be stored in one, central location, and not being asked every time where you want your download to be saved, then you can specify that you want all downloads to be saved in one specific location.

So I believe it is probably more a case of modifying the preferences in the program you use to download files.

Posted: Wed 26 Feb 2014, 13:37
by boof
Perhaps I'm doing it wrong, but if I download a tar or a tar.giz into the Downloads folder, I cannot get ppm to give me access to the file to install it. I don't get the Local Directory option, and can't select the file by any means I've tried. I enter the filename into ppm& it comes up blank. I am really getting ticked off not being able to do some things I thought were long sorted. kernel 3.4.52 puppy slacko 5.6

Posted: Wed 26 Feb 2014, 15:30
by L18L
boof wrote:Perhaps I'm doing it wrong, but if I download a tar or a tar.giz into the Downloads folder, I cannot get ppm to give me access to the file to install it.
Try simply one click on downloaded tar.gz file
Try simply one click on downloaded .pet file
ppm is for downloading from remote repository and for de-installing pets.
Hope that helps.

Posted: Wed 26 Feb 2014, 22:21
by boof
one Left click on tar.giz file opens the archive so I can extract it, Pls, what do I do next? Walk me thru' the process pls-I'm utterly lost and can't remember how to do this.

BTW to add a Local directory to ppm, would be as simple as modifying the 2 files like adding: | ... ION}-Local

and|| ... ION}-Local