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SeaMonkey bookmarks deleted after Service Pack upgrade

Posted: Sun 09 Feb 2014, 22:21
by Rodney Byne
After the latest upgrade to 6.0.3 in Quirky Tahr, again Quick Setup
Country Settings had changed from my en_GB to US.

More annoyingly, all my carefully prepared bookmarks
in SeaMonkey had been deleted and Adblock Plus
removed in Tools.

Can these changes be prevented in future upgrades please?

This topic incorrectly located.
Now repeated correctly in topic "My report on Quirky 6.0" p36

Posted: Wed 12 Feb 2014, 04:23
by 8-bit
Concerning the bookmarks, if you select Bookmarks - Manage Bookmarks and
then select Tools, there should be an option to back up your Bookmarks to a file with a json extension.
I had made a backup of my bookmarks and it saved me when they had disappeared.
I used the Restore option -restore from file, to reinstate them.
This was with Seamonkey.